

单词 place



P0342300 (plās)n.1. a. An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space.b. Room or space, especially adequate space: There is place for everyone at the back of the room.2. a. The particular portion of space occupied by or allocated to a person or thing.b. A building or an area set aside for a specified purpose: a place of worship.3. a. A dwelling; a house: bought a place on the lake.b. A business establishment or office.c. A locality, such as a town or city: visited many places.4. Abbr. Pl. A public square or street with houses in a town.5. a. A space in which one person, such as a passenger or spectator, can sit or stand.b. A setting for one person at a table.6. A position regarded as belonging to someone or something else; stead: She was chosen in his place.7. A particular point that one has reached, as in a book: I have lost my place.8. A particular spot, as on the body: the place that hurts.9. a. The proper or designated role or function: the place of the media in a free society.b. The proper or customary position or order: These books are out of place.c. A suitable setting or occasion: not the place to argue.d. The appropriate right or duty: not her place to criticize.10. Social station: He overstepped his place.11. A particular situation or circumstance: Put yourself in my place.12. High rank or status.13. A job, post, or position: found a place in the company.14. Relative position in a series; standing.15. Games Second position for betting purposes, as in a horserace.16. The specified stage in a list of points to be made, as in an argument: in the first place.17. Mathematics A position in a numeral or series.v. placed, plac·ing, plac·es v.tr.1. To put in or as if in a particular place or position; set.2. To put in a specified relation or order: Place the words in alphabetical order.3. To offer for consideration: placed the matter before the board.4. To find accommodation or employment for.5. To put into a particular condition: placed him under arrest.6. To arrange for the publication or display of: place an advertisement in the newspaper.7. To appoint to a post: placed her in a key position.8. a. To rank in an order or sequence: I'd place him second best.b. To estimate: placed the distance at 100 feet.9. To identify or classify in a particular context: could not place that person's face.10. a. To give an order for: place a bet.b. To apply or arrange for: place an order.c. To make or obtain a connection for (a telephone call).11. To sell (a new issue of stock, bonds, or other securities).12. To adjust (one's voice) for the best possible effects.v.intr. To be among those who finish a competition or race, especially to finish second.Phrasal Verb: place out To qualify for a waiver of a requirement or prerequisite: placed out of a freshman composition class.Idioms: all over the place In or to many locations; everywhere: Film is sold all over the place. in place1. In the appropriate or usual position or order: With everything in place, she started the slide show.2. In the same spot; without moving forwards or backwards: While marching in place, the band played a popular tune. in place of Instead of. keep/know (one's) place To recognize one's social position and act according to traditional decorum. place in the sun A dominant or favorable position or situation.
[Middle English, from Old English plæce and Old French place, open space (from Medieval Latin placea, from Vulgar Latin *plattea), both from Latin platēa, broad street, from Greek plateia (hodos), broad (street), feminine of platus; see plat- in Indo-European roots.]
place′a·ble adj.plac′er n.


(pleɪs) n1. a particular point or part of space or of a surface, esp that occupied by a person or thing2. (Human Geography) a geographical point, such as a town, city, etc3. a position or rank in a sequence or order4. (Human Geography) a. an open square lined with houses of a similar type in a city or townb. (capital when part of a street name): Grosvenor Place. 5. space or room6. a house or living quarters7. a country house with grounds8. any building or area set aside for a specific purpose9. a passage in a book, play, film, etc: to lose one's place. 10. proper or appropriate position or time: he still thinks a woman's place is in the home. 11. right or original position: put it back in its place. 12. suitable, appropriate, or customary surroundings (esp in the phrases out of place, in place)13. right, prerogative, or duty: it is your place to give a speech. 14. appointment, position, or job: a place at college. 15. position, condition, or state: if I were in your place. 16. a. a space or seat, as at a dining tableb. (as modifier): place mat. 17. (Mathematics) maths the relative position of a digit in a number. See also decimal place18. (General Sporting Terms) any of the best times in a race19. (Horse Racing) horse racing a. Brit the first, second, or third position at the finishb. US and Canadian the first or usually the second position at the finishc. (as modifier): a place bet. 20. (Theatre) theatre one of the three unities. See unity821. archaic an important position, rank, or role22. all over the place in disorder or disarray23. (Parliamentary Procedure) another place parliamentary procedure a. (in the House of Commons) the House of Lordsb. (in the House of Lords) the House of Commons24. give place to someone to make room for or be superseded by someone25. go places informal a. to travelb. to become successful26. in place of a. instead of; in lieu of: go in place of my sister. b. in exchange for: he gave her it in place of her ring. 27. know one's place to be aware of one's inferior position28. pride of place the highest or foremost position29. put someone in his or her place to humble someone who is arrogant, conceited, forward, etc30. take one's place to take up one's usual or specified position31. take the place of to be a substitute for32. take place to happen or occur33. (Education) the other place facetious a. (at Oxford University) Cambridge Universityb. (at Cambridge University) Oxford Universityvb (mainly tr) 34. to put or set in a particular or appropriate place35. to find or indicate the place of36. to identify or classify by linking with an appropriate context: to place a face. 37. to regard or view as being: to place prosperity above sincerity. 38. to make (an order, a bet, etc)39. to find a home or job for (someone)40. to appoint to an office or position41. (often foll by with) to put under the care (of)42. to direct or aim carefully43. (General Sporting Terms) (passive) Brit to cause (a racehorse, greyhound, athlete, etc) to arrive in first, second, third, or sometimes fourth place44. (General Sporting Terms) (intr) US and Canadian (of a racehorse, greyhound, etc) to finish among the first three in a contest, esp in second position45. (Banking & Finance) to invest (funds)46. (Music, other) to sing (a note) with accuracy of pitch47. (Journalism & Publishing) to insert (an advertisement) in a newspaper, journal, etc[C13: via Old French from Latin platēa courtyard, from Greek plateia, from platus broad; compare French plat flat]


(pleɪs) n (Biography) Francis. 1771–1854, British radical, who campaigned for the repeal (1824) of the Combination Acts, which forbade the forming of trade unions, and for parliamentary reform



n., v. placed, plac•ing. n. 1. a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent. 2. space in general: time and place. 3. the portion of space normally occupied by a person or thing. 4. any part of a body or surface; spot: a decayed place in a tree. 5. a particular passage in a book or writing. 6. a space or seat for a person, as in a theater or train. 7. position, situation, or circumstances: I would complain if I were in your place. 8. a proper or appropriate location, position, or time: A restaurant is no place for an argument. 9. a job, post, or office: persons in high places. 10. a function or duty: It is not your place to offer criticism. 11. proper sequence or relationship, as of ideas or details. 12. high position or rank. 13. a region or area: to travel to distant places. 14. an open space or square in a city or town. 15. a short street or court. 16. an area of habitation, as a city, town, or village. 17. a building, location, etc., set aside for a specific purpose: a place of worship. 18. a part of a building: The kitchen is the sunniest place in the house. 19. a residence, dwelling, or house. 20. lieu; substitution (usu. fol. by of): Use yogurt in place of sour cream. 21. a step or point in order of proceeding: in the first place. 22. Arith. a. the position of a figure in a series, as in decimal notation. b. Usu., places. the figures of the series. 23. one of the three dramatic unities. 24. Sports. a. a position among the leading competitors, usu. the first, second, or third at the finish line. b. the position of the competitor who comes in second in a horse race. Compare show (def. 26), win (def. 15). 25. space for entry or passage: to make place for the crowds. v.t. 26. to put in the proper position or order; arrange: Place the dishes on the table. 27. to put or set in a particular place. 28. to put in a suitable place for some purpose: to place an advertisement in the newspaper. 29. to put into particular or proper hands. 30. to give (an order or the like) to a supplier. 31. to appoint (a person) to a post or office. 32. to find a place, situation, etc., for (a person). 33. to determine or indicate the place of: We place health high among our aims. 34. to assign a certain position or rank to. 35. to identify by connecting with the proper place, circumstances, etc: to place a face. 36. to employ (the voice) to sing or speak with resonant tones. v.i. 37. a. to finish among the first three competitors in a race. b. to finish second in a horse race. 38. to earn a specified standing, as in an examination or competition: He placed fifth in the class. Idioms: 1. give place to, a. to give precedence to. b. to be succeeded or replaced by. 2. go places, to advance in one's career; succeed. 3. in place, a. in the correct or usual position or order. b. in the same spot, without advancing or retreating: to jog in place. 4. know or keep one's place, to behave according to one's position or rank, esp. if inferior. 5. out of place, a. not in the correct or usual position or order. b. unsuitable; inappropriate. 6. place in the sun, a favorable position; prominence. [1200–50; Middle English < Old French place < Latin platea,platēa street, courtyard, area < Greek plateîa broad street] place′a•ble, adj.


1. used in descriptions

You can use place after an adjective when you are describing a building, room, town, or area of land. For example, instead of saying 'Paris is nice', you can say 'Paris is a nice place'.

I love this village – it's a beautiful place.Their new house is a really comfortable place.
2. saying where something is

You can say where something is using the place whereÉ. For example, you can say 'This is the place where I parked my car'.

He reached the place where I was standing.This is the place where we leave our school bags.

Be Careful!
Don't use a to-infinitive after a place where. Don't say, for example, 'I'm looking for a place where to park my car'. Say 'I'm looking for a place to park my car' or 'I'm looking for a place where I can park my car'. You can also say 'I'm looking for somewhere to park my car'.

He was looking for a place to hide.Is there a place where you can go swimming?We had to find somewhere to live.
3. 'anywhere'

In British English, you don't usually use 'place' after 'any' in questions or negative statements. Don't say, for example, 'She never goes to any place alone'. You say 'She never goes anywhere alone'.

I decided not to go anywhere in the summer holidays.Is there a spare seat anywhere?

In American English, anyplace is sometimes used instead of anywhere.

He doesn't stay anyplace for very long.
4. 'there'

Don't use 'that place' to refer to somewhere that has just been mentioned. Don't say, for example, 'I threw my bag on the ground and left it in that place'. You say 'I threw my bag on the ground and left it there'.

I moved to London and soon found a job there.I must go home. Bill is there on his own.
5. 'room'

Don't use 'place' as an uncountable noun to refer to an open or empty area. Use room or space instead. Room is more likely to be used when you are talking about space inside an enclosed area.

There's not enough room in the car for all of us.We need plenty of space for the children to play.


– put">put1. 'place' and 'put'

The verbs place and put are often used with the same meaning. Place is more formal than put, and is mainly used in writing.

If you place something somewhere, you put it there. You often use place to say that someone puts something somewhere neatly or carefully.

She placed the music on the piano and sat down.Each piece of furniture is carefully placed, as in a gallery.
2. pressure

If you place or put pressure on someone, you urge them to do something.

Renewed pressure will be placed on the Government this week.He may have put pressure on her to agree.
3. adverts

If you place or put an advert in a newspaper, you pay for the advert to be printed in the newspaper.

We placed an advert in an evening paper.You could put an advert in the 'Mail'.


Past participle: placed
Gerund: placing
I place
you place
he/she/it places
we place
you place
they place
I placed
you placed
he/she/it placed
we placed
you placed
they placed
Present Continuous
I am placing
you are placing
he/she/it is placing
we are placing
you are placing
they are placing
Present Perfect
I have placed
you have placed
he/she/it has placed
we have placed
you have placed
they have placed
Past Continuous
I was placing
you were placing
he/she/it was placing
we were placing
you were placing
they were placing
Past Perfect
I had placed
you had placed
he/she/it had placed
we had placed
you had placed
they had placed
I will place
you will place
he/she/it will place
we will place
you will place
they will place
Future Perfect
I will have placed
you will have placed
he/she/it will have placed
we will have placed
you will have placed
they will have placed
Future Continuous
I will be placing
you will be placing
he/she/it will be placing
we will be placing
you will be placing
they will be placing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been placing
you have been placing
he/she/it has been placing
we have been placing
you have been placing
they have been placing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been placing
you will have been placing
he/she/it will have been placing
we will have been placing
you will have been placing
they will have been placing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been placing
you had been placing
he/she/it had been placing
we had been placing
you had been placing
they had been placing
I would place
you would place
he/she/it would place
we would place
you would place
they would place
Past Conditional
I would have placed
you would have placed
he/she/it would have placed
we would have placed
you would have placed
they would have placed
Noun1.place - a point located with respect to surface features of some regionplace - a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet"spot, topographic pointtomb, grave - a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone); "he put flowers on his mother's grave"junction - the place where two or more things come togetherbirthplace, place of birth - the place where someone was bornpolling place, polling station - a place where voters go to cast their votes in an electionend - one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time"hiding place - a place suitable for hiding something (such as yourself)heights, high - a high place; "they stood on high and observed the countryside"; "he doesn't like heights"hole-in-the-wall - a small unpretentious out-of-the-way place; "his office was a hole-in-the-wall"holy, holy place, sanctum - a sacred place of pilgrimagemecca - a place that attracts many visitors; "New York is a mecca for young artists"nesting place - a place suitable for nestingoverlook - a high place affording a good viewcrest, summit, top, peak, tip, crown - the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill); "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit"point - the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street"rendezvous - a place where people meet; "he was waiting for them at the rendezvous"scour - a place that is scoured (especially by running water)service area - place on a highway providing garage services and eating and toilet facilitiesshowplace - a place that is frequently exhibited and visited for its historical interest or natural beautysolitude - a solitary placestop - a spot where something halts or pauses; "his next stop is Atlanta"target area, target - the location of the target that is to be hitpuddle, pool - something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"zone - a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features
2.place - any area set aside for a particular purposeplace - any area set aside for a particular purpose; "who owns this place?"; "the president was concerned about the property across from the White House"propertyboatyard - a place where boats are built or maintained or storedsanctuary - a consecrated place where sacred objects are keptcentre, center - a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they received messages from several centers"colony - a place where a group of people with the same interest or occupation are concentrated; "a nudist colony"; "an artists' colony"geographic area, geographic region, geographical area, geographical region - a demarcated area of the Earthhatchery - a place where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions (especially fish eggs); "the park authorities operated a trout hatchery"
3.place - an abstract mental location; "he has a special place in my thoughts"; "a place in my heart"; "a political system with no place for the less prominent groups"cognition, knowledge, noesis - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoninglayer, stratum, level - an abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"
4.place - a general vicinity; "He comes from a place near Chicago"locality, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, vicinity - a surrounding or nearby region; "the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville"; "it is a rugged locality"; "he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood"; "I will drop in on you the next time I am in this neck of the woods"
5.place - the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another; "can you go in my stead?"; "took his place"; "in lieu of"lieu, stead, positionrole, function, office, part - the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"behalf - as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as "on behalf of" rather than "in behalf of"); "the guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child"; "this letter is written on behalf of my client";
6.place - a particular situation; "If you were in my place what would you do?"shoessituation, position - a condition or position in which you find yourself; "the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils"; "found herself in a very fortunate situation"
7.place - where you live at a particular timeplace - where you live at a particular time; "deliver the package to my home"; "he doesn't have a home to go to"; "your place or mine?"homeabode, residence - any address at which you dwell more than temporarily; "a person can have several residences"home away from home, home from home - a place where you are just as comfortable and content as if you were home
8.place - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"berth, billet, post, situation, position, office, spotjob, line of work, occupation, business, line - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business"academicianship - the position of member of an honorary academyaccountantship - the position of accountantadmiralty - the office of admiralambassadorship - the post of ambassadorapostleship - the position of apostleapprenticeship - the position of apprenticeassociateship - the position of associate (as in an office or academy)attorneyship - the position of attorneybailiffship - the office of bailiffbaronetage - the state of a baronetbishopry, episcopate - the office and dignity of a bishopcadetship - the position of cadetcaliphate - the office of a caliphcaptaincy, captainship - the post of captaincardinalship - the office of cardinalchairmanship - the position of chairmanchancellorship - the office of chancellorchaplaincy, chaplainship - the position of chaplainchieftaincy, chieftainship - the position of chieftainclerkship - the job of clerkcommandership, commandery - the position or office of commandercomptrollership - the position of comptrollerconsulship - the post of consulcontrollership - the position of controllercouncillorship, councilorship - the position of council membercounsellorship, counselorship - the position of counselorcuracy - the position of a curatecuratorship - the position of curatorcustodianship - the position of custodiandeanship, deanery - the position or office of a deandirectorship - the position of a director of a business concerndiscipleship - the position of discipleeditorship - the position of editoreldership - the office of elderemirate - the office of an emirfatherhood - the status of a fatherfatherhood - the status of a religious leaderforemanship - the position of foremangeneralcy, generalship - the office and authority of a generalgovernorship - the office of governorheadship - the position of headheadship - the position of headmaster or headmistresshot seat - a difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticismincumbency - the office of an incumbentinspectorship - the office of inspectorinstructorship - the position of instructorinternship - the position of a medical internjudgeship, judicature - the position of judgekhanate - the position of a khanlectureship - the post of lecturerlegateship, legation - the post or office of legatelegislatorship - the office of legislatorlibrarianship - the position of librarianlieutenancy - the position of a lieutenantmagistracy, magistrature - the position of magistratemanagership - the position of managermanhood - the status of being a manmarshalship - the post of marshallmastership - the position of mastermayoralty - the position of mayormessiahship - the position of messiahmoderatorship - the position of moderatoroverlordship - the position of overlordpastorship, pastorate - the position of pastorpeasanthood - the state of being a peasant; "the same homely dress she wore in the days of her peasanthood"plum - a highly desirable position or assignment; "a political plum"praetorship - the office of praetorprecentorship - the position of precentorpreceptorship - the position of preceptorprefecture - the office of prefectprelacy, prelature - the office or station of a prelate
9.place - the particular portion of space occupied by somethingplace - the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"positionwing - (in flight formation) a position to the side and just to the rear of another aircrafthalf-mast, half-staff - a position some distance below the top of a mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distresslead - (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base; "he took a long lead off first"point - the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street"pole position - the most favorable position at the start of a racepolls - the place where people votepride of place - the first or highest or most important or most ostentatious placeanomaly - (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun)site, situation - physical position in relation to the surroundings; "the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides"setting - the physical position of something; "he changed the setting on the thermostat"juxtaposition - a side-by-side positionlie - position or manner in which something is situatedpost, station - the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand; "a soldier manned the entrance post"; "a sentry station"pitch - a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk); "he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors"landmark - the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape; "the church steeple provided a convenient landmark"right - location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east; "he stood on the right"left - location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east; "she stood on the left"back, rear - the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer; "he stood at the back of the stage"; "it was hidden in the rear of the store"front - the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer; "he walked to the front of the stage"stand - the position where a thing or person standsstation - (nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for dutyvantage - place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective)
10.place - proper or designated social situation; "he overstepped his place"; "the responsibilities of a man in his station"; "married above her station"stationniche - a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it; "he found his niche in the academic world"social rank, social station, social status, rank - position in a social hierarchy; "the British are more aware of social status than Americans are"
11.place - a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane)place - a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane); "he booked their seats in advance"; "he sat in someone else's place"seataeroplane, airplane, plane - an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane"dramatic art, dramaturgy, theater, theatre, dramatics - the art of writing and producing playsperch - an elevated place serving as a seatspace - an area reserved for some particular purpose; "the laboratory's floor space"
12.place - the passage that is being read; "he lost his place on the page"passage - a section of text; particularly a section of medium length
13.place - proper or appropriate position or location; "a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen"condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
14.place - a public square with room for pedestriansplace - a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place"piazza, plazapublic square, square - an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
15.place - an item on a list or in a sequence; "in the second place"; "moved from third to fifth position"positionitem, point - a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list; "he noticed an item in the New York Times"; "she had several items on her shopping list"; "the main point on the agenda was taken up first"postposition - (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element after another (as placing a modifier after the word that it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix after the base to which it is attached)preposition - (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)
16.place - a blank areaplace - a blank area; "write your name in the space provided"blank space, spacesurface area, expanse, area - the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary; "the area of a rectangle"; "it was about 500 square feet in area"margin - the blank space that surrounds the text on a page; "he jotted a note in the margin"indention, indent, indentation, indenture - the space left between the margin and the start of an indented lineform - a printed document with spaces in which to write; "he filled out his tax form"
Verb1.place - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"lay, put, set, position, poseput in, stick in, inclose, insert, introduce, enclose - introduce; "Insert your ticket here"docket - place on the docket for legal action; "Only 5 of the 120 cases docketed were tried"cock - set the trigger of a firearm back for firingpostpose - place after another constituent in the sentence; "Japanese postposes the adpositions, whereas English preposes them"prepose - place before another constituent in the sentence; "English preposes the adpositions; Japanese postposes them"step - place (a ship's mast) in its stepput back, replace - put something back where it belongs; "replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it"; "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them"stratify - form, arrange, or deposit in layers; "The fish are stratified in barrels"; "The rock was stratified by the force of the water"; "A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses"plant - place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"intersperse - place at intervals in or among; "intersperse exclamation marks in the text"snuggle, nestle - position comfortably; "The baby nestled her head in her mother's elbow"pile - place or lay as if in a pile; "The teacher piled work on the students until the parents protested"arrange, set up - put into a proper or systematic order; "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order"superimpose, superpose, lay over - place on top of; "can you superimpose the two images?"superpose - place (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincidepark - place temporarily; "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"ensconce, settle - fix firmly; "He ensconced himself in the chair"dispose - place or put in a particular order; "the dots are unevenly disposed"emplace - put into place or position; "the box with the ancestors' ashes was emplaced on the top shelf of the house altar"emplace - provide a new emplacement for gunsship - place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"underlay - put (something) under or beneath; "They underlaid the shingles with roofing paper"trench - set, plant, or bury in a trench; "trench the fallen soldiers"; "trench the vegetables"pigeonhole - place into a small compartmentshelve - place on a shelf; "shelve books"jar - place in a cylindrical vessel; "jar the jam"repose - to put something (eg trust) in something; "The nation reposed its confidence in the King"sign - place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed"middle - put in the middleparallelize - place parallel to one anotherbutt - place end to end without overlapping; "The frames must be butted at the joints"recess - put into a recess; "recess lights"reposition - place into another positionthrow, thrust - place or put with great energy; "She threw the blanket around the child"; "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"tee, tee up - place on a tee; "tee golf balls"rack up - place in a rack; "rack pool balls"coffin - place into a coffin; "her body was coffined"bed - put to bed; "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"appose - place side by side or in close proximityplace down, put down, set down - cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place; "set down your bags here"sow, seed - place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth; "She sowed sunflower seeds"misplace - place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position; "misplaced modifiers"juxtapose - place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"set down - put or settle into a position; "The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley"bottle - put into bottles; "bottle the mineral water"bucket - put into a bucketbarrel - put in barrelsground - place or put on the groundpillow, rest - rest on or as if on a pillow; "pillow your head"mislay, misplace, lose - place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses"upend - set, turn, or stand on end; "upend the box and empty the contents"seat, sit down, sit - show to a seat; assign a seat for; "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"seat - place in or on a seat; "the mother seated the toddler on the high chair"
2.place - place somebody in a particular situation or location; "he was placed on probation"assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
3.place - assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"grade, rate, rank, range, ordersuperordinate - place in a superior order or rank; "These two notions are superordinated to a third"shortlist - put someone or something on a short listseed - distribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early roundsreorder - assign a new order tosubordinate - rank or order as less important or consider of less value; "Art is sometimes subordinated to Science in these schools"prioritise, prioritize - assign a priority to; "we have too many things to do and must prioritize"sequence - arrange in a sequencedowngrade - rate lower; lower in value or esteemupgrade - rate higher; raise in value or esteempass judgment, evaluate, judge - form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
4.place - assign a location to; "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles"site, locatestation, post, send, place - assign to a station
5.place - to arrange for; "place a phone call"; "place a bet"order - make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage"
6.place - take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal; "Jerry came in third in the Marathon"come in, come outrank - take or have a position relative to others; "This painting ranks among the best in the Western World"
7.place - intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"target, direct, aim, pointaddress - direct a question at someoneaim, take aim, train, direct, take - point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards; "Please don't aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"home in, range in, zero in - direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids
8.place - recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster"identifydifferentiate, distinguish, secern, secernate, severalise, severalize, tell apart, separate, tell - mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple"set, determine - fix conclusively or authoritatively; "set the rules"
9.place - assign to (a job or a home)assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
10.place - locate; "The film is set in Africa"localise, localize, setstage, present, represent - perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello'"
11.place - estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."put, setestimate, gauge, approximate, guess, judge - judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"
12.place - identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection"localise, localizesituate, locate - determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey; "Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space"; "Locate the boundaries of the property"
13.place - make an investment; "Put money into bonds"invest, put, commitfund - invest money in government securitiesexpend, spend, drop - pay out; "spend money"roll over - re-invest (a previous investment) into a similar fund or security; "She rolled over her IRA"shelter - invest (money) so that it is not taxabletie up - invest so as to make unavailable for other purposes; "All my money is tied up in long-term investments"job, speculate - invest at a risk; "I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating"buy into - buy stocks or shares of a company
14.place - assign to a stationstation, post, sendgarrison - station (troops) in a fort or garrisonfort - station (troops) in a fortmove, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"site, locate, place - assign a location to; "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles"
15.place - finish second or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to place"race, run - compete in a race; "he is running the Marathon this year"; "let's race and see who gets there first"
16.place - sing a note with the correct pitchsing - produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"


noun1. spot, point, position, site, area, situation, station, location, venue, whereabouts, locus the place where the temple actually stood2. region, city, town, quarter, village, district, neighbourhood, hamlet, vicinity, locality, locale, dorp (S. African) the opportunity to visit new places3. position, point, spot, location He returned the album to its place on the shelf.4. space, position, seat, chair There was a single empty place left at the table.5. rank, standing, position, footing, station, status, grade, niche a society where everyone knows their place6. situation, position, circumstances, shoes (informal) If I were in your place I'd see a lawyer as soon as possible.7. job, position, post, situation, office, employment, appointment, berth (informal), billet (informal) All the candidates won places on the ruling council.8. home, house, room, property, seat, flat, apartment, accommodation, pad (slang), residence, mansion, dwelling, manor, abode, domicile Let's all go back to my place!9. (In this context, the construction is always negative) duty, right, job, charge, concern, role, affair, responsibility, task, function, prerogative It is not my place to comment.verb1. lay (down), leave, put (down), set (down), stand, sit, position, rest, plant, station, establish, stick (informal), settle, fix, arrange, lean, deposit, locate, set out, install, prop, dispose, situate, stow, bung (Brit. slang), plonk (informal), array Chairs were placed in rows for the parents.2. put, lay, set, invest, pin Children place their trust in us.3. classify, class, group, put, order, sort, rank, arrange, grade, assign, categorize The authorities have placed the drug in Class A.4. entrust to, give to, assign to, appoint to, allocate to, find a home for The twins were placed in a foster home.5. identify, remember, recognize, pin someone down, put your finger on, put a name to, set someone in context I know we've met, but I can't place you.in place6. in position, positioned, in situ The rear plate of the motor was in place.7. set up, established, ready, in order, arranged, all set Similar legislation is already in place in Wales.in place of instead of, rather than, in exchange for, as an alternative to, taking the place of, in lieu of, as a substitute for, as a replacement for Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans.out of place8. out of position, messy, out of order, in disarray, in a mess, in disorder, disarranged Not a strand of her sleek hair was out of place.9. incongruous, uncomfortable, uneasy, ill at ease, like a fish out of water I felt out of place in my suit and tie.10. inappropriate, wrong, unsuitable, improper, misplaced, unseemly, untoward One word out of place may kill the whole peace process.put someone in their place humble, humiliate, deflate, crush, mortify, take the wind out of someone's sails, cut someone down to size (informal), take someone down a peg (informal), make someone eat humble pie, bring someone down to size (informal), make someone swallow their pride, settle someone's hash (informal) She put him in his place with just a few words.take place happen, occur, go on, go down (U.S. & Canad.), arise, come about, crop up, transpire (informal), befall, materialize, come to pass (archaic), betide Similar demonstrations also took place elsewhere.take the place of replace, relieve, substitute for, cover for, take over from, act for, stand in for, fill in for, be a substitute for He eventually took Charlie's place in the band.

Places and their nicknames

Aberdeenthe Granite City
Adelaidethe City of Churches
Amsterdamthe Venice of the North
BirminghamBrum or the Venice of the North
BostonBean Town
Brugesthe Venice of the North
Californiathe Golden State
Chicagothe Windy City
Dallasthe Big D
Detroitthe Motor City
DresdenFlorence on the Elbe
Dublinthe Fair City
DumfriesQueen of the South
EdinburghAuld Reekie or the Athens of the North
Floridathe Sunshine State
Fraserburghthe Broch
Glasgowthe Dear Green Place
Hamburgthe Venice of the North
Indianathe Hoosier State
Iowathe Hawkeye State
Irelandthe Emerald Isle
JamaicaJ.A. or the Yard
Jerusalemthe Holy City
Kentuckythe Bluegrass State
Kuala LumpurK.L.
Londonthe Big Smoke or the Great Wen
Los AngelesL.A.
New Jerseythe Garden State
New Orleansthe Crescent City or the Big Easy
New South WalesMa State
New York (City)the Big Apple
New York (State)the Empire State
New ZealandPig Island
North Carolinathe Tarheel State
NottinghamQueen of the Midlands
Oklahomathe Sooner State
Pennsylvaniathe Keystone State
Prince Edward IslandSpud Island
QueenslandBananaland or the Deep North (both derogatory)
Romethe Eternal City
San FranciscoFrisco
Southeastern U.S.A.Dixie, Dixieland, or the Deep South
TasmaniaTassie or the Apple Isle
Texasthe Lone Star State
Utahthe Beehive State
VeniceLa Serenissima


noun1. A particular portion of space chosen for something:location, locus, point, spot.2. A building or shelter where one lives:abode, domicile, dwelling, habitation, home, house, lodging (often used in plural), residence.Chiefly British: dig (used in plural).3. A particular geographic area:locale, locality, location.4. The function or position customarily occupied by another:stead.Archaic: lieu.5. The proper or designated location:niche.6. A post of employment:appointment, berth, billet, job, office, position, situation, slot, spot.Slang: gig.7. Positioning of one individual vis-à-vis others:footing, position, rank, situation, standing, station, status.verb1. To deposit in a specified place:lay, put, set, stick.2. To put in or assign to a certain position or location:emplace, install, locate, position, set, site, situate, spot.3. To assign to a class or classes:categorize, class, classify, distribute, grade, group, pigeonhole, range, rank, rate.4. To calculate approximately:approximate, estimate, put, reckon, set.5. To establish the identification of:identify, pinpoint, recognize.Slang: finger.Idiom: put one's finger on.6. To ascribe (a misdeed or an error, for example) to:affix, assign, blame, fasten, fix, impute, pin on.7. To complete a race or competition in a specified position:come in, finish, run.


(pleis) noun1. a particular spot or area. a quiet place in the country; I spent my holiday in various different places. 地方 地方2. an empty space. There's a place for your books on this shelf. 空位 位置3. an area or building with a particular purpose. a market-place. 場所 场所4. a seat (in a theatre, train, at a table etc). He went to his place and sat down. 座位 座位5. a position in an order, series, queue etc. She got the first place in the competition; I lost my place in the queue. 順位,名次 名次6. a person's position or level of importance in society etc. You must keep your secretary in her place. 身份地位 身份地位7. a point in the text of a book etc. The wind was blowing the pages of my book and I kept losing my place. 文章的某處 文章的段落8. duty or right. It's not my place to tell him he's wrong. 職責,權利 职权9. a job or position in a team, organization etc. He's got a place in the team; He's hoping for a place on the staff. 工作,職位 工作,职位 10. house; home. Come over to my place. 住所 住所11. (often abbreviated to Pl. when written) a word used in the names of certain roads, streets or squares. 出現在路名、街名或廣場名字之前 (常用于专用名词)街道,广场 12. a number or one of a series of numbers following a decimal point. Make the answer correct to four decimal places. 小數點後的位數 小数点后的位数 verb1. to put. He placed it on the table; He was placed in command of the army. 放置 放置2. to remember who a person is. I know I've seen her before, but I can't quite place her. 想起某人的身份 记得ˈplace-name noun the name of a town, hill, valley etc. 地名 地名go places to be successful, especially in one's career. That young man is sure to go places. 功成名就 获得成功in the first/second etc place expressions used to show steps in an argument, explanation etc. He decided not to buy the house, because in the first place it was too expensive, and in the second place it was too far from his office. 第一點,第二點 第一点,第二点 in place in the proper position; tidy. He left everything in place. 適得其所 在适当的位置上in place of instead of. We advise discussion in place of argument; John couldn't go, so I went in his place. 代替 代替out of place1. not suitable (to the occasion etc). His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner. 不搭調,格格不入 不合适,格格不入 2. not in the proper position; untidy. Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place. 非適得其所,凌亂不堪 不在适当的位置上put oneself in someone else's place to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. If you put yourself in his place, you can understand why he is so careful. 設身處地為人著想 处于他人的位置上,设身处地 put (someone) in his/her place to remind (someone), often in a rude or angry way, of his lower social position, or lack of importance, experience etc. 讓某人知道自己有幾兩重,使某人安分守己(通常意指社會地位較低的人) 使某人安分守己take place to happen. What took place after that? 發生 发生take the place of to be used instead of, or to be a substitute for. I don't think television will ever take the place of books. 替代 代替


位置zhCN, 地方zhCN, 放置zhCN
  • Where is the nearest place to buy photographic equipment? (US)
    Where is the nearest shop which sells photographic equipment? (UK) → 附近哪儿有摄影器材店?
  • Where is the nearest place to buy stamps? (US)
    Where is the nearest shop which sells stamps? (UK) → 附近哪儿能买到邮票?
  • Where is the nearest place to buy newspapers? (US)
    Where is the nearest shop which sells newspapers? (UK) → 附近哪儿有售报亭?
  • I need to find a place to exchange money (US)
    I need to find a bureau de change (UK) → 您能告诉我哪里有外汇兑换处吗?
  • Do you know a good place to go? → 您知道哪儿值得一去吗?
  • Where is the best place to dive? → 哪儿有潜水的好地方?


place (someone)

To recognize and remember who someone is. They showed me a picture of a suspect and asked if I knew who it was, but I couldn't place her. A: "Do you remember my friend Tom?" B: "I know the name, but I can't place him."See also: place

place someone

to recall someone's name; to recall the details about a person that would help you identify the person. I am sorry, I can't seem to place you. Could you tell me your name again? I can't place her. Did I meet her once before?
  • (one's) final resting place
  • (one's) heart is in the right place
  • (one's) last resting place
  • (somewhere or something) or bust
  • a place for everything, and everything in its place
  • a place in the sun
  • a place to call own
  • a price on head
  • a woman's place is in the home
  • a/(one's) place in the sun
  • a/(one's) place of business
  • abstract (something) from (something or some place)
  • adjourn to (some place)
  • admit (one) to (something or some place)
  • admit (someone or something) into (something or some place)
  • advance (up)on (something or some place)
  • advance toward (something or some place)
  • age in place
  • aging in place
  • all dressed up with nowhere to go
  • all over the place
  • allow (someone or something) in(to)
  • allow into a place
  • any old place
  • any old thing
  • any old thing, time, place, etc.
  • any old time
  • arrive (some place) in a body
  • as if (one) owns the place
  • as if someone owns the place
  • as if you own the place
  • banish from (something or some place)
  • banish from some place
  • bar from (something or some place)
  • bar from some place
  • be (one's) place (to do something)
  • be better placed
  • be going places
  • be ideally placed
  • be in the middle of (something or some place)
  • be in the right place at the right moment
  • be in the right place at the right time
  • be in two places at once
  • be nestled (up) into (something or some place)
  • be out of place
  • be put in (one's) place
  • be somebody's place to do something
  • be the toast of (some place)
  • be well placed
  • be well, ideally, better, etc. placed for something/to do something
  • bed down (some place)
  • bed down some place
  • beeline it for (some place)
  • between a rock and a hard place
  • block in
  • block in some place
  • boogie down to (some place)
  • bring (someone or something) over
  • bring (someone or something) over from (somewhere)
  • bring (someone or something) over to (some place)
  • bring in
  • bring in some place
  • bring over from some place
  • bring over some place)
  • burst into (some place)
  • bust out
  • bust out of (some place)
  • bust out of some place
  • bustle about
  • bustle about some place
  • buzz in(to)
  • buzz into a place
  • call at (some place)
  • call at some place
  • can't be in two places at once
  • carry (someone or something) over to (some place)
  • carry in(to) (some place)
  • carry into some place
  • cast a shadow over (some place)
  • change places
  • change places with
  • change places with (one)
  • change/swap places
  • chase (someone or something) (away) from some place
  • chase (someone or something) in(to) (some place)
  • chase (someone or something) out of (some place)
  • chase from some place
  • chase in some place
  • chase out of some place Go to chase
  • check (one's) bags through (to) (some place)
  • chuck (someone) out of (some place)
  • chuck out of some place
  • clap (one) in(to)
  • clap in some place
  • clear (someone or something) out of (some place)
  • clear (something) from (something)
  • clear from some place
  • clear out of some place
  • click into place
  • come down to (some place)
  • come down to some place
  • come from a good place
  • come home from (some place or something)
  • come home from some place
  • commute between (places)
  • commute between places
  • commute from (some place)
  • commute from some place
  • concentrate at (some place)
  • concentrate at some place
  • conduct (someone or something) into (some place)
  • conduct (someone or something) out of (some place)
  • crawl in(to) (some place or thing)
  • cross from (some place) to (some place)
  • cross from some place to some place
  • cross over into (some place)
  • cross over into some place
  • crowd in
  • crowd in some place
  • depart for (some place)
  • depart for some place
  • depart from (some place)
  • depart from some place
  • deport (someone) from (some place)
  • deport (someone) from (some place) to (some place)
  • deport (someone) to (some place)
  • dine at (some place)
  • dispatch (someone or something) from (some place)
  • dispatch (someone or something) to (someone, something, or some place)
  • ditch (some place)
  • ditch (something)
  • don't spend it all in one place
  • draw (someone or something) out of (someone or something)
  • draw out
  • draw out of some place
  • drop into place
  • embark for (some place)
  • emigrate from (some place)
  • emigrate from (some place) to (some place)
  • emigrate to (some place)
  • emigrate to (some place) from (some place)
  • end up at (some place)
  • evict (one) from (some place)
  • exile (someone) from (some place)
  • exile (someone) from (some place) to (some place)
  • exile (someone) to (some place)
  • extradite (someone) from (some place)
  • extradite (someone) from (some place) to (some place)
  • extradite (someone) to (some place)
  • fall about the place (laughing)
  • fall in place
  • fall in(to) place
  • fall into place
  • fall, drop, etc. into place
  • feel out of place
  • fetch up at (some place)
  • filter in(to) (some place)
  • flock in(to) (some place or thing)
  • flounce into (some place)
  • flounce out of (some place)
  • flush (someone or something) out of (some thing or place)
  • flush out of some place
  • fly from (someone or something) to (some place)
  • fly out of (some place)
  • fly up to (some place)
  • friend in court
  • friends in high places
  • get (oneself) out of (somewhere)
  • get off at (some place)
  • get the hell out (of some place)
  • get the run of (some place)
  • get there (the) firstest with the mostest
  • give (someone or something) the run of (some place)
  • give place to
  • give place to somebody/something
  • glance around (some thing or place)
  • go for a spin (to some place)
  • go out for a spin (to some place)
  • go places
  • hail from (some place)
  • hair out of place
  • haul (something) from (some place)
  • haul (something) from (some place) to (some place)
  • haul (something) to (some place)
  • haul (something) to (some place) from (some place)
  • haul into (some place)
  • haul to some place
  • have (one's) heart in the right place
  • have a place in
  • have a place in (something)
  • have friends in high places
  • have heart in the right place
  • have pride of place
  • have the run of (some place)
  • have your heart in the right place
  • head off to (some place)
  • heart in the right place, have one's
  • heart in the right place, to have one's
  • help (someone) back (to some place)
  • high places, friends in
  • hit out for (some place)
  • hotfoot it off to (some place)
  • hotfoot it out of (some place)
  • hound (someone) from (some place)
  • hound (someone) out (of some place)
  • hound from some place
  • hurl out (of some place or thing)
  • hurry (someone or something) in(to some place)
  • hurry down (to some place)
  • if I was/were in your place
  • if I were in your place
  • immigrate to (some place)
  • immigrate to some place
  • import (something) from (some place)
  • import (something) from (some place) into (some place)
  • import (something) into (some place)
  • in (someone's or something's) place
  • in a body
  • in else's shoes
  • in high places
  • in my, your, etc. place
  • in place
  • in place of
  • in place of (someone or something)
  • in place of (something)
  • in place of somebody/something
  • in someone else's place
  • in someone's shoes
  • in the care of
  • in the first instance
  • in the first place
  • in the first place and in the first instance
  • in the middle of (something or some place)
  • in the right place at the right time
  • in the second place
  • in the wilds of (some place)
  • in the wrong place at the wrong time
  • instead of
  • invite (someone) into (some place)
  • invite into some place
  • issue (forth) from (some thing or place)
  • issue from some place
  • It smells like someone/somebody died in (some place)!
  • jumping-off place
  • jumping-off point
  • keep (one's) place
  • keep in some place
  • keep one in place
  • keep place
  • know (one's) place
  • know one's place
  • know place
  • know your place
  • land up (some place)
  • late of (some place)
  • lead down to (something or some place)
  • lead out of (something or some place)
  • leave (someone or something) (at) (some place)
  • leave for
  • leave for some place
  • let (someone or something) in(to) (some place)
  • let out of (something or some place)
  • Let’s bump this place!
  • let's bump this place
  • Let's bump this place!
  • let's go some place quiet(er)
  • lie (one's) way into (something or some place)
  • lie around
  • lightning never strikes (the same place) twice
  • lightning never strikes twice in the same place
  • litter (something or some place) up
  • look about for (someone or something)
  • look around
  • look around for (someone or something)
  • look around some place
  • lure (someone or something) in(to something or some place)
  • mail (something) from (some place)
  • mail from some place
  • make (one's) way back (to something or some place)
  • make (one's) way to(ward) (something or some place)
  • make for (somewhere or something)
  • make it (to something or some place)
  • make it some place
  • make out for (somewhere or something)
  • migrate between (some place or sth) and (some place or sth else)
  • migrate between some place and some place else
  • migrate from (some place or sth) to (some place or sth else)
  • move into (some place)
  • move to
  • move to some place
  • move up into (something or some place)
  • move up through (something or some place)
  • muscle (one) out (of something or some place)
  • never set foot in (some place)
  • nice place (you have here)
  • Nice place you have here
  • not (one's) place (to do something)
  • not a hair out of place
  • not darken the door of (some place)
  • not darken the doorstep of (some place)
  • not place
  • not set foot in (some place)
  • obliterate (someone or something) from (something or some place)
  • of all people/places/things
  • of all places
  • on a pedestal
  • One cannot be in two places at once
  • one's heart is in the right place
  • one's last resting place
  • operate from (some place)
  • operate out of (some place)
  • order (one) out (of some place)
  • order out of some place
  • originate from (some place or something)
  • originate in (some place or something)
  • other place
  • out at (some place)
  • out at some place
  • out of place
  • pace around
  • pace back and forth
  • pack (someone or something) off to (some place)
  • pat (someone or something) on (something or some place)
  • people (something or some place) with (someone)
  • permit (one) in(to something or some place)
  • permit (one) out (of something or some place)
  • permit (one) through (something or some place)
  • permit (one) up (something or some place)
  • pilot (something) in(to something or some place)
  • pilot (something) out (of something or some place)
  • pilot (something) through (something or some place)
  • pipe (something) into (something or some place)
  • pipe into some place
  • place
  • place (one) in an awkward position
  • place (oneself) at (someone's) mercy
  • place (someone or something) (up) on a pedestal
  • place (someone or something) above (someone or something)
  • place (someone or something) at (some place)
  • place (someone or something) before (someone or something)
  • place (someone or something) in (someone's) care
  • place (someone or something) in jeopardy
  • place (someone or something) in the care of (someone)
  • place (someone or something) in the charge of (someone)
  • place (someone or something) next to (someone or something else)
  • place (someone or something) under (someone's) care
  • place (someone)
  • place (something) at a premium
  • place a premium on (something)
  • place a strain on
  • place a strain on (someone or something)
  • place above
  • place an order
  • place an/the/(one's) order
  • place aside
  • place at
  • place at a premium
  • place back
  • place before
  • place behind
  • place behind (someone or something)
  • place down
  • place for everything (and everything in its place), a
  • place for everything, and everything in its place
  • place in
  • place in an awkward position
  • place in jeopardy
  • place in the sun
  • place next to
  • place of business
  • place of concealment
  • place on
  • place out of
  • place out of (something)
  • place the blame on
  • place the blame on (someone or something)
  • place to call (one's) own
  • place trust in
  • place trust in (someone or something)
  • place under
  • place with
  • plummet (down) to (something or some place)
  • pollute (something or some place) with (something else)
  • pride of place
  • pull around to (something or some place)
  • pull in(to) (some place)
  • pull into a place
  • put (one) in (one's) place
  • put (one) out of (something or some place)
  • put (oneself) in (someone's) place
  • put (oneself) in (someone's) shoes
  • put (someone, something, or some place) on the map
  • put a premium on (something)
  • put a premium on something
  • put in at (some place)
  • put in place
  • put in some place
  • put one in place
  • put somebody in their place
  • put someone in his or her place
  • put someone in their place
  • put the blame on
  • put yourself in somebody's shoes/place
  • put/place a premium on something
  • put/set/place somebody on a pedestal
  • quit (some place)
  • quit a place
  • race to (someone or something)
  • race to some place
  • race up to (someone or something)
  • race with (someone or something)
  • range over (something or some place)
  • rattle around (something or some place)
  • reach (some place) in a body
  • receive (one) into (something or some place)
  • receive from (someone or something)
  • receive from some place
  • recruit from (something or some place)
  • relocate (someone or something) in (something or some place)
  • remain at (something or some place)
  • remain at some place
  • remain in (something or some place)
  • remand (someone or something) to (something or some place)
  • repair to (some place)
  • repair to some place
  • repatriate to (some place)
  • repatriate to some place
  • resound through (something or some place)
  • resound throughout (something or some place)
  • retire in (something or some place)
  • retire into (something or some place)
  • retire to (something or some place)
  • retrieve from (someone, something, or some place)
  • retrieve from some place
  • return from (something or some place)
  • return to (someone, something, or some place)
  • return to some place
  • reveal to (someone or something)
  • reverberate through (something or some place)
  • reverberate throughout (something or some place)
  • review for (something)
  • reward (someone, something, or oneself) for (something)
  • reward (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)
  • ride to (something or some place)
  • ride to some place
  • right/wrong place at the right time, to be in the
  • rocket into (something or some place)
  • rocket to (something or some place)
  • rocky road (to something)
  • root (someone or something) out of (something or some place)
  • rooted to (something or some place)
  • rout out of some place
  • route (someone or something) around (something or some place)
  • route (someone or something) to (something or some place)
  • row out to (something or some place)
  • royal road (to something)
  • run (one) into (some place)
  • run (one) out (of some place)
  • run by (some place)
  • run in place
  • run into (someone, something, or some place)
  • run out of (something or some place)
  • run out of some place
  • run over to (someone or something)
  • run over with (something)
  • run up to (someone, something, or some place)
  • run up to some place
  • rush out (of something or some place)
  • rush to (someone, something, or some place)
  • sail for (some place)
  • sail for some place
  • sail from (some place) to (some place else)
  • sail from some place to some place else
  • salvage (something) from (something or some place)
  • scooch over to (something or some place)
  • scoot down to (something or some place)
  • scoot over to (something or some place)
  • score (something) off (someone, something, or some place)
  • scour (something or some place) for (someone or something)
  • scream the place down
  • screen out of (something or some place)
  • screw (one's) courage to the sticking place
  • screw up (one's) courage to the sticking place
  • search through (something or some place)
  • secede from (something or some place)
  • Second place is the first loser.
  • see (one) across (something or some place)
  • see (one) back (to something or some place)
  • see (one) down (to something or some place)
  • see (one) to (some place)
  • see (one) up to (some place)
  • see to some place
  • segregate into (something or some place)
  • send (one) out of (some place)
  • send (someone or something) back (to some place) for (something)
  • send (someone or something) from (some place)



1. a geographical point, such as a town, city, etc. 2. a. an open square lined with houses of a similar type in a city or town b. (capital when part of a street name): Grosvenor Place 3. Maths the relative position of a digit in a number 4. Horse racinga. Brit the first, second, or third position at the finish b. US and Canadian the first or usually the second position at the finish c. (as modifier): a place bet 5. Theatre one of the three unities 6. another place Brit Parliamentary procedurea. (in the House of Commons) the House of Lords b. (in the House of Lords) the House of Commons 7. the other place Facetiousa. (at Oxford University) Cambridge University b. (at Cambridge University) Oxford University


[plās] (mathematics) A position corresponding to a given power of the base in positional notation. Also known as column.


Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment.

["The Compiler for the Programming Language for AutomaticCheckout Equipment (PLACE)", AFAPL TR-68-27, Battelle Inst,Columbus, May 1968].


A function in PageMaker and other applications that allows a selection of different types of text and graphics files to be inserted within the current document. Place is similar to the Import function in other programs, but may provide additional capabilities. For example, it may be able to maintain a link to a "placed" file rather than embedding it within the document. See import.


PLACE, pleading, evidence. A particular portion of space; locality.
2. In local actions, the plaintiff must lay his venue in the county in which the action arose. It is a general rule, that the place of every traversable fact, stated in the pleading, must be distinctly alleged; Com. Dig. Pleader, c. 20; Cro. Eliz. 78, 98; Lawes' Pl. 57; Bac. Ab. Venue, B; Co. Litt. 303 a; and some place must be alleged for every such fact; this is done by designating the city, town, village, parish or district, together with the county in which the fact is alleged to have occurred; and the place thus designated, is called the venue. (q.v.)
3. In transitory actions, the place laid in the declaration, need not be the place where the cause of action arose, unless when required by statute. In local actions, the plaintiff will be confined in his proof to the county laid in the declaration.
4. In criminal cases the facts must be laid and proved to have been committed within the jurisdiction of the court, or the defendant must be acquitted. 2 Hawk. c. 25, s. 84; Arch. Cr. Pl. 40, 95. Vide, generally, Gould on Pl. c. 3, 102-104; Arch. Civ. Pl. 366; Hamm. N. P. 462; 1 Saund. 347, n. 1; 2 Saund. 5 n.



The marketing of new securities, usually through sales to institutional investors. See: Float.


The act or process of selling a new issue of a security to investors. Most of the time, a placement must be registered with the SEC before it can actually take place. See also: Private placement.


To sell a new securities issue.


an aspect of DISTRIBUTION concerned with ensuring that a firm's products are available for consumers to purchase at appropriate locations.


See PL


PLACEPriorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (method/tool)
PLACEProgram for Licensing Assessments for Colorado Educators
PLACEPopulation, Landscape and Climate Estimates
PLACEProgramming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment
PLACEProject Leadership Assessment for Commercial Environment
PLACEPlacement Algebra-Calculus Exam
PLACEPEEL Logic Architectural Compiler and Editor
PLACEPosition, Location and Communications Experiment
PLACEPark Land Acquisition for Conservation and Environmental Protection


  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for place

noun spot


  • spot
  • point
  • position
  • site
  • area
  • situation
  • station
  • location
  • venue
  • whereabouts
  • locus

noun region


  • region
  • city
  • town
  • quarter
  • village
  • district
  • neighbourhood
  • hamlet
  • vicinity
  • locality
  • locale
  • dorp

noun position


  • position
  • point
  • spot
  • location

noun space


  • space
  • position
  • seat
  • chair

noun rank


  • rank
  • standing
  • position
  • footing
  • station
  • status
  • grade
  • niche

noun situation


  • situation
  • position
  • circumstances
  • shoes

noun job


  • job
  • position
  • post
  • situation
  • office
  • employment
  • appointment
  • berth
  • billet

noun home


  • home
  • house
  • room
  • property
  • seat
  • flat
  • apartment
  • accommodation
  • pad
  • residence
  • mansion
  • dwelling
  • manor
  • abode
  • domicile

noun duty


  • duty
  • right
  • job
  • charge
  • concern
  • role
  • affair
  • responsibility
  • task
  • function
  • prerogative

verb lay (down)


  • lay (down)
  • leave
  • put (down)
  • set (down)
  • stand
  • sit
  • position
  • rest
  • plant
  • station
  • establish
  • stick
  • settle
  • fix
  • arrange
  • lean
  • deposit
  • locate
  • set out
  • install
  • prop
  • dispose
  • situate
  • stow
  • bung
  • plonk
  • array

verb put


  • put
  • lay
  • set
  • invest
  • pin

verb classify


  • classify
  • class
  • group
  • put
  • order
  • sort
  • rank
  • arrange
  • grade
  • assign
  • categorize

verb entrust to


  • entrust to
  • give to
  • assign to
  • appoint to
  • allocate to
  • find a home for

verb identify


  • identify
  • remember
  • recognize
  • pin someone down
  • put your finger on
  • put a name to
  • set someone in context

phrase in place: in position


  • in position
  • positioned
  • in situ

phrase in place: set up


  • set up
  • established
  • ready
  • in order
  • arranged
  • all set

phrase in place of


  • instead of
  • rather than
  • in exchange for
  • as an alternative to
  • taking the place of
  • in lieu of
  • as a substitute for
  • as a replacement for

phrase out of place: out of position


  • out of position
  • messy
  • out of order
  • in disarray
  • in a mess
  • in disorder
  • disarranged

phrase out of place: incongruous


  • incongruous
  • uncomfortable
  • uneasy
  • ill at ease
  • like a fish out of water

phrase out of place: inappropriate


  • inappropriate
  • wrong
  • unsuitable
  • improper
  • misplaced
  • unseemly
  • untoward

phrase put someone in their place


  • humble
  • humiliate
  • deflate
  • crush
  • mortify
  • take the wind out of someone's sails
  • cut someone down to size
  • take someone down a peg
  • make someone eat humble pie
  • bring someone down to size
  • make someone swallow their pride
  • settle someone's hash

phrase take place


  • happen
  • occur
  • go on
  • go down
  • arise
  • come about
  • crop up
  • transpire
  • befall
  • materialize
  • come to pass
  • betide

phrase take the place of


  • replace
  • relieve
  • substitute for
  • cover for
  • take over from
  • act for
  • stand in for
  • fill in for
  • be a substitute for

Synonyms for place

noun a particular portion of space chosen for something


  • location
  • locus
  • point
  • spot

noun a building or shelter where one lives


  • abode
  • domicile
  • dwelling
  • habitation
  • home
  • house
  • lodging
  • residence
  • dig

noun a particular geographic area


  • locale
  • locality
  • location

noun the function or position customarily occupied by another


  • stead
  • lieu

noun the proper or designated location


  • niche

noun a post of employment


  • appointment
  • berth
  • billet
  • job
  • office
  • position
  • situation
  • slot
  • spot
  • gig

noun positioning of one individual vis-à-vis others


  • footing
  • position
  • rank
  • situation
  • standing
  • station
  • status

verb to deposit in a specified place


  • lay
  • put
  • set
  • stick

verb to put in or assign to a certain position or location


  • emplace
  • install
  • locate
  • position
  • set
  • site
  • situate
  • spot

verb to assign to a class or classes


  • categorize
  • class
  • classify
  • distribute
  • grade
  • group
  • pigeonhole
  • range
  • rank
  • rate

verb to calculate approximately


  • approximate
  • estimate
  • put
  • reckon
  • set

verb to establish the identification of


  • identify
  • pinpoint
  • recognize
  • finger

verb to ascribe (a misdeed or an error, for example) to


  • affix
  • assign
  • blame
  • fasten
  • fix
  • impute
  • pin on

verb to complete a race or competition in a specified position


  • come in
  • finish
  • run

Synonyms for place

noun a point located with respect to surface features of some region


  • spot
  • topographic point

Related Words

  • tomb
  • grave
  • junction
  • birthplace
  • place of birth
  • polling place
  • polling station
  • end
  • hiding place
  • heights
  • high
  • hole-in-the-wall
  • holy
  • holy place
  • sanctum
  • mecca
  • nesting place
  • overlook
  • crest
  • summit
  • top
  • peak
  • tip
  • crown
  • point
  • rendezvous
  • scour
  • service area
  • showplace
  • solitude
  • stop
  • target area
  • target
  • puddle
  • pool
  • zone

noun any area set aside for a particular purpose


  • property

Related Words

  • boatyard
  • sanctuary
  • centre
  • center
  • colony
  • geographic area
  • geographic region
  • geographical area
  • geographical region
  • hatchery

noun an abstract mental location

Related Words

  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • layer
  • stratum
  • level

noun a general vicinity

Related Words

  • locality
  • neck of the woods
  • neighborhood
  • neighbourhood
  • vicinity

noun the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another


  • lieu
  • stead
  • position

Related Words

  • role
  • function
  • office
  • part
  • behalf

noun a particular situation


  • shoes

Related Words

  • situation
  • position

noun where you live at a particular time


  • home

Related Words

  • abode
  • residence
  • home away from home
  • home from home

noun a job in an organization


  • berth
  • billet
  • post
  • situation
  • position
  • office
  • spot

Related Words

  • job
  • line of work
  • occupation
  • business
  • line
  • academicianship
  • accountantship
  • admiralty
  • ambassadorship
  • apostleship
  • apprenticeship
  • associateship
  • attorneyship
  • bailiffship
  • baronetage
  • bishopry
  • episcopate
  • cadetship
  • caliphate
  • captaincy
  • captainship
  • cardinalship
  • chairmanship
  • chancellorship
  • chaplaincy
  • chaplainship
  • chieftaincy
  • chieftainship
  • clerkship
  • commandership
  • commandery
  • comptrollership
  • consulship
  • controllership
  • councillorship
  • councilorship
  • counsellorship
  • counselorship
  • curacy
  • curatorship
  • custodianship
  • deanship
  • deanery
  • directorship
  • discipleship
  • editorship
  • eldership
  • emirate
  • fatherhood
  • foremanship
  • generalcy
  • generalship
  • governorship
  • headship
  • hot seat
  • incumbency
  • inspectorship
  • instructorship
  • internship
  • judgeship
  • judicature
  • khanate
  • lectureship
  • legateship
  • legation
  • legislatorship
  • librarianship
  • lieutenancy
  • magistracy
  • magistrature
  • managership
  • manhood
  • marshalship
  • mastership
  • mayoralty
  • messiahship
  • moderatorship
  • overlordship
  • pastorship
  • pastorate
  • peasanthood
  • plum
  • praetorship
  • precentorship
  • preceptorship
  • prefecture
  • prelacy
  • prelature
  • premiership
  • presidentship
  • presidency
  • primateship
  • principalship
  • priorship
  • proconsulate
  • proconsulship
  • proctorship
  • professorship
  • chair
  • protectorship
  • public office
  • rabbinate
  • receivership
  • rectorate
  • rectorship
  • regency
  • residency
  • rulership
  • sainthood
  • secretaryship
  • feudal lordship
  • seigneury
  • seigniory
  • senatorship
  • sinecure
  • solicitorship
  • speakership
  • stewardship
  • studentship
  • teachership
  • thaneship
  • throne
  • treasurership
  • tribuneship
  • trusteeship
  • vice-presidency
  • viceroyship
  • viziership
  • wardenship
  • wardership
  • womanhood

noun the particular portion of space occupied by something


  • position

Related Words

  • wing
  • half-mast
  • half-staff
  • lead
  • point
  • pole position
  • polls
  • pride of place
  • anomaly
  • site
  • situation
  • setting
  • juxtaposition
  • lie
  • post
  • station
  • pitch
  • landmark
  • right
  • left
  • back
  • rear
  • front
  • stand
  • vantage

noun proper or designated social situation


  • station

Related Words

  • niche
  • social rank
  • social station
  • social status
  • rank

noun a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane)


  • seat

Related Words

  • aeroplane
  • airplane
  • plane
  • dramatic art
  • dramaturgy
  • theater
  • theatre
  • dramatics
  • perch
  • space

noun the passage that is being read

Related Words

  • passage

noun proper or appropriate position or location

Related Words

  • condition
  • status

noun a public square with room for pedestrians


  • piazza
  • plaza

Related Words

  • public square
  • square

noun an item on a list or in a sequence


  • position

Related Words

  • item
  • point
  • postposition
  • preposition

noun a blank area


  • blank space
  • space

Related Words

  • surface area
  • expanse
  • area
  • margin
  • indention
  • indent
  • indentation
  • indenture
  • form

verb put into a certain place or abstract location


  • lay
  • put
  • set
  • position
  • pose

Related Words

  • put in
  • stick in
  • inclose
  • insert
  • introduce
  • enclose
  • docket
  • cock
  • postpose
  • prepose
  • step
  • put back
  • replace
  • stratify
  • plant
  • intersperse
  • snuggle
  • nestle
  • pile
  • arrange
  • set up
  • superimpose
  • superpose
  • lay over
  • park
  • ensconce
  • settle
  • dispose
  • emplace
  • ship
  • underlay
  • trench
  • pigeonhole
  • shelve
  • jar
  • repose
  • sign
  • middle
  • parallelize
  • butt
  • recess
  • reposition
  • throw
  • thrust
  • tee
  • tee up
  • rack up
  • coffin
  • bed
  • appose
  • place down
  • put down
  • set down
  • sow
  • seed
  • misplace
  • juxtapose
  • bottle
  • bucket
  • barrel
  • ground
  • pillow
  • rest
  • mislay
  • lose
  • upend
  • seat
  • sit down
  • sit
  • lay
  • place upright
  • stand up
  • stand
  • recline
  • set
  • instal
  • install
  • posit
  • situate
  • deposit
  • fix
  • ladle
  • poise
  • lean
  • clap
  • perch
  • load
  • cram
  • siphon
  • move
  • displace
  • position
  • glycerolise
  • glycerolize
  • space
  • marshal
  • settle down
  • imbricate

verb place somebody in a particular situation or location

Related Words

  • assign
  • delegate
  • designate
  • depute

verb assign a rank or rating to


  • grade
  • rate
  • rank
  • range
  • order

Related Words

  • superordinate
  • shortlist
  • seed
  • reorder
  • subordinate
  • prioritise
  • prioritize
  • sequence
  • downgrade
  • upgrade
  • pass judgment
  • evaluate
  • judge

verb assign a location to


  • site
  • locate

Related Words

  • station
  • post
  • send
  • place

verb to arrange for

Related Words

  • order

verb take a place in a competition


  • come in
  • come out

Related Words

  • rank

verb intend (something) to move towards a certain goal


  • target
  • direct
  • aim
  • point

Related Words

  • address
  • aim
  • take aim
  • train
  • direct
  • take
  • home in
  • range in
  • zero in

verb recognize as being


  • identify

Related Words

  • differentiate
  • distinguish
  • secern
  • secernate
  • severalise
  • severalize
  • tell apart
  • separate
  • tell
  • set
  • determine

verb assign to (a job or a home)

Related Words

  • assign
  • delegate
  • designate
  • depute

verb locate


  • localise
  • localize
  • set

Related Words

  • stage
  • present
  • represent

verb estimate


  • put
  • set

Related Words

  • estimate
  • gauge
  • approximate
  • guess
  • judge

verb identify the location or place of


  • localise
  • localize

Related Words

  • situate
  • locate

verb make an investment


  • invest
  • put
  • commit

Related Words

  • fund
  • expend
  • spend
  • drop
  • roll over
  • shelter
  • tie up
  • job
  • speculate
  • buy into

verb assign to a station


  • station
  • post
  • send

Related Words

  • garrison
  • fort
  • move
  • displace
  • site
  • locate
  • place

verb finish second or better in a horse or dog race

Related Words

  • race
  • run

verb sing a note with the correct pitch

Related Words

  • sing




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