basal tentorial branch of internal carotid artery

tentorial basal branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery

[TA] a small branch from the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery to the base of the tentorium cerebelli. Synonym(s): ramus basalis tentorii partis cavernosae arteriae carotidis internae [TA], basal tentorial branch of internal carotid artery

ba·sal ten·to·ri·al branch of in·ter·nal ca·rot·id ar·ter·y

(bā'săl ten-tōr'ē-ăl branch in-tĕr'năl kă-rot'id ahr'tĕr-ē) A small branch from the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery to the base of the tentorium.