Vladimir Andreevich Cheremisov
Cheremisov, Vladimir Andreevich
Born May 9 (21), 1871; date of death unknown. Russian general of the infantry (1917).
The son of a nobleman in Baku Province, Cheremisov completed courses at the Moscow Infantry Cadet School in 1891 and at the Academy of the General Staff in 1899. He taught at a military school and at the Academy of the General Staff and served in staff positions.
During World War I, Cheremisov commanded a regiment, was quartermaster general of the Twelfth Army, and served as a specially assigned general with the Seventh Army commander. After the February Revolution of 1917, the democratically inclined Cheremisov was appointed commander of a corps that operated successfully in the June Offensive of 1917. He became commander of the Eighth Army in June 1917 and commander of the Northern Front in September of the same year. During the October Revolution, the troops of the Northern Front did not support the Kerensky-Krasnov Rebellion of 1917, owing to the influence of the Bolsheviks among them as well as to orders from Cheremisov, who reflected the mood of his soldiers. Cheremisov left the service in November 1917, went to Kiev, and emigrated in 1918. He did not engage in political activities abroad.
Russko-iaponskaia voina, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1909.Osnovy sovremennogo voennogo iskusstva. Kiev, 1910.
Prikladnaia taktika, vols. 1–4. St. Petersburg, 1913–14.