SIAPStatistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
SIAPSingle Integrated Air Picture
SIAPSocial Impact of the Arts Project (University of Pennsylvania; est. 1994)
SIAPSociedad Interamericana de Planificación (Spanish: Inter-American Planning Society)
SIAPStandard Instrument Approach Procedure
SIAPSystem Integrity Assurance Program (US NASA)
SIAPSIDS Initial Assessment Profile
SIAPSystème d'Information et d'Aide aux Promotions (French: System Information and Support for Promotions)
SIAPSecurity in Iraq Accountability Panel (United Nations)
SIAPSociety of Iranian Architects & Planners
SIAPStable Image Assurance Program (Dell Inc.)
SIAPSensory Impairment Action Plan
SIAPSorry If Already Posted
SIAPSonobuoy Interference Avoidance Plan
SIAPSurveillance Integration Automation Project
SIAPShut-In Annular Pressure
SIAPSpeakers' Information & Activity Package