Sovetskii Ekran
Sovetskii Ekran
(The Soviet Screen), an illustrated magazine published once every two weeks. Sovetskii ekran was founded in 1925 in Moscow as a supplement to Kinogazeta (Cinema Newspaper). It was published under various names in the 1930’s and was not published from 1941 to 1957. It has been published regularly since January 1957. Originally an organ of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, it became an organ of both the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Union of Workers in Cinematography in July 1959 and an organ of the State Committee on Cinematography of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and of the Cinematographers’ Union of the USSR in January 1966. Sovetskii ekran publishes articles on the theory of film-making, film reviews, and biographical sketches of actors, film directors, and cameramen. The magazine is intended for the general reader. Circulation, approximately 2 million (1975).