Sovetskaia Zhenshchina
Sovetskaia Zhenshchina
(Soviet Woman), an illustrated sociopolitical and literary magazine of the Committee of Soviet Women and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. Founded in Moscow in 1945, Sovetskaia zhenshchina was initially published once every two months. It has been a monthly since 1954. The magazine is published in 12 languages: in Russian, English, German, and French (all since 1945), Spanish and Chinese (both since 1950), Korean (since 1955), Japanese (since 1956), Hindi (since 1957), Hungarian (since 1960), Bengali (since 1973), and Arabic (since 1974).
Sovetskaia zhenshchina deals with the life of Soviet women and their participation in the building of communism. It includes articles on the international democratic women’s movement and on the achievements of Soviet science, especially in medicine and pedagogy. Literary works, art reproductions, and children’s stories are also published, and practical advice is given on cooking, cosmetics, and fashion. Total circulation of all language editions, 1.24 million (1975).