South Mountain State Park

South Mountain State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maryland
Location:In Washington and Frederick counties.
Facilities:9 primitive campsites, hiking trails.
Activities:Camping, hiking, cross-country skiing, hunting.
Special Features:South Mountain, a ridge composed largely of resistant quartzite, poseda formidable obstacle to the early settlers until 1755, when GeneralEdward Braddock and a young surveyor named George Washingtonconstructed a road over one of its passes. Park includes 40 miles ofthe 2,178-mile Appalachian National Scenic Trail (see entry in nationaltrails section) and a historic Civil War battlefield.
Address:c/o Greenbrier State Park
21843 National Pike
Boonsboro, MD 21713

Size: 8,039 acres.

See other parks in Maryland.