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DictionarySeeastrocytomapilocytic astrocytoma
pilocytic as·tro·cy·to·maa slowly growing astrocytoma composed histologically of elongated astrocytes; often located in the optic chiasm region of the third ventricle, hypothalamus, or cerebellum, predominantly in younger people. Synonym(s): piloid astrocytomapi·lo·cyt·ic as·tro·cy·to·ma (pī'lō-sit'ik as'trō-sī-tō'mă) A slowly growing astrocytoma composed histologically of elongated astrocytes; often located in the optic chiasm region of the third ventricle, hypothalamus, or cerebellum, predominantly in younger individuals. pilocytic astrocytomaA low-grade (relatively slow growing) tumor made of supporting cells of the brain. It usually found in the cerebellum of children, in whom it causes symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty with balance. See also: astrocytoma |