Gala Galaction

Galaction, Gala


(pseudonym of Grigore Pişculescu). Born Apr. 16, 1879, in the village of Dideşti-Teleorman; died Mar. 8, 1961, in Bucharest. Rumanian author, academician of the Rumanian Academy of Sciences (1947), deputy to the Great National Assembly (1948-52). Theologian by education.

His early novellas on historical and folklore themes, such as By the River Vodislava (1910), The Little Church in Râzoare (1914), and The Bells of the Neamtju Monastery (1916) are full of Christian morality. He welcomed the October Revolution in Russia in the book The New World (1919). In his novels Roxana (1931) and Doctor Taifun (1933), he combines criticism of bourgeois society with promotion of Christian asceticism.


Opere alese, vols. 1-2. Bucharest, 1959-61.
Chipuri şi popasuri [Bucharest] 1969.
In Russian translation:
“Rasskazy.” In the collection Rumynskie povesti i rasskazy, vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.


Vîrgolici, T. “Drumul vieţii şi operei lui Gala Galaction.” Studii şi cercetări de istorie literară şi folclor, vol. 4, 1955.
Vîrgolici, T. Gala Galaction. [Bucharest] 1967. (Bibliography.)