释义 |
pig P0296200 (pĭg)n.1. a. Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, hooves with two weight-bearing toes, bristly hair, and a cartilaginous snout used for digging, including the domesticated hog (Sus scrofa subsp. domestica syn. S. domesticus) and wild species such as the bushpig.b. A domesticated hog, especially when weighing less than 54 kilograms (120 pounds).c. The edible parts of one of these mammals.2. a. Informal A person regarded as being piglike, greedy, or disgusting.b. Derogatory Slang A police officer.c. Slang A member of the social or political establishment, especially one holding sexist or racist views.3. a. A crude block of metal, chiefly iron or lead, poured from a smelting furnace.b. A mold in which such metal is cast.c. Pig iron.intr.v. pigged, pig·ging, pigs To give birth to pigs; farrow.Phrasal Verb: pig out Slang To eat ravenously; gorge oneself: pigged out on cake.Idioms: in a pig's eye Slang Under no condition; never. pig in a poke Something that is offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value. pig it Slang To live in a piglike fashion. [Middle English pigge, young pig, probably from Old English *picga.]
Pigs P0298800 (pĭgz), Bay of A small inlet of the Caribbean Sea on the southern coast of western Cuba. It was the site of an ill-fated invasion on April 17, 1961, when a force of 1,500 US-trained guerrilla troops landed in an attempt to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro.pigs (pɪɡz) interjslang Austral an expression of derision or disagreement. Also: pig's arse or pig's bum
Pigs (pɪɡz) n (Placename) Bay of Pigs See Bay of PigsPigs (pɪgz) n. Bay of, Bay of Pigs. EncyclopediaSeepigPIGS
PIGS A gene on chromosome 17p13.2 that encodes a component of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) transamidase complex essential for the transfer of GPI to proteins and involved in GPI-anchor and glycolipid biosynthesis.FinancialSeePassive Income GeneratorPIGS
Acronym | Definition |
PIGS➣Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain (economics) | PIGS➣People in God's Service (ministry) | PIGS➣Pride Integrity Guts Service (plural extension of PIG as derisive term for police) | PIGS➣Portugal, Italy, Greece & Spain | PIGS➣Python Interests Group of Serbia | PIGS➣Pesticides in Groundwater Strategy | PIGS➣Passive Infrared Guidance System | PIGS➣Personal/Industrial Gadgetry and Service (electronics; Baltimore, MD) |