Sanfilippo syndrome

San·fi·lip·po syn·drome

(san-fi-lē'pō), [MIM*252900, MIM*252920, MIM*252930,] an error of the mucopolysaccharide metabolism, with excretion of large amounts of heparan sulfate in the urine; characterized by severe mental retardation with hepatomegaly; skeleton may be normal or may present mild changes similar to those in Hurler syndrome; several different types (A, B, C, and D) have been identified according to the enzyme deficiency; autosomal recessive inheritance. Synonym(s): mucopolysaccharidosis type III

San·fi·lip·po syn·drome

(san-fi-lē'pō), [MIM*252900, MIM*252920, MIM*252930,] an error of the mucopolysaccharide metabolism, with excretion of large amounts of heparan sulfate in the urine; characterized by severe mental retardation with hepatomegaly; skeleton may be normal or may present mild changes similar to those in Hurler syndrome; several different types (A, B, C, and D) have been identified according to the enzyme deficiency; autosomal recessive inheritance. Synonym(s): mucopolysaccharidosis type III

Sanfilippo syndrome

(săn′fə-lĭp′ō)n. A type of mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS III) characterized by the presence of heparan sulfate in the urine, developmental delay, intellectual disability, hearing loss, and usually enlargement of the liver and spleen.

mucopolysaccharidosis III

An autosomal recessive condition caused by a mutation of NAGLU on chromosome 17q21 that encodes alpha-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, which degrades heparan sulfate by hydrolysing terminal N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosaminides. Loss of the enzyme causes mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB (Sanfilippo syndrome B), which is characterised by the lysosomal accumulation and increased excretion of heparan sulfate in urine.
Clinical findings
Relatively late onset, coarse facies, slow mental development progressing to severe mental retardation, stiff joints, gait disturbances, speech defects, behavioural problems, survival into the twenties or later.

Sanfilippo syndrome

Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type III A common AR Tay-Sachs-like disease of late infant onset Clinical Coarse facies, ↓ mental development progressing to severe retardation, stiff joints, gait disturbances, speech disturbances, behavioral problems,↑ startle reflex, early blindness, doll-like facies, mental and physical deterioration, cherry red spots on retina, macrocephaly; cornea is clear; survival is longer than with Tay-Sachs, often to age 20+. See Hurler syndrome, Mucopolysaccharidosis.

San·fi·lip·po syn·drome

(san-fi-lip'pō sin'drōm) An error of mucopolysaccharide metabolism, with excretion of large amounts of heparan sulfate in the urine; characterized by severe mental retardation with hepatomegaly; skeleton may be normal or may present mild changes similar to those in Hurler syndrome; several different types (A, B, C, and D) have been identified according to the enzyme deficiency; autosomal recessive inheritance.


Sylvester J., 20th century U.S. pediatrician. Sanfilippo syndrome - Synonym(s): type III mucopolysaccharidosis