Wakonda State Park

Wakonda State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Missouri
Location:3 miles south of LaGrange on US 61 in Lewis County.
Facilities:49 basic campsites, 29 electric campsites, showers, 10 recreationaltrailers, picnic sites, beach, boat ramps, nonmotorized jonboat and canoe rentals,hiking trails, mountain biking trails.
Activities:Camping, boating (10 HP limit), canoeing, lake fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking.
Special Features:Once composed of land that was mined for gravel used to surface thestate's secondary highways, Park has been transformed into a recreation area that includes six lakes, trails, and arare sand prairie.
Address:32836 State Park Rd
LaGrange, MO 63448

Web: www.mostateparks.com/wakonda.htm
Size: 1,054 acres.

See other parks in Missouri.