health information system

health information system

combination of vital and health statistical data from multiple sources, used to derive information about the health needs, health resources, use of health services, and outcomes of use by the people in a defined region or jurisdiction.

health information system

Epidemiology A combination of health statistics from various sources, used to derive information about health status, health care, provision and use of services and health impact Informatics Hospital information system A system that provides information management features that hospitals need for daily business Features Pt tracking, billing and administrative programs; may include clinical features

health in·for·ma·tion sys·tem

(helth in'fŏr-mā'shŭn sis'tĕm) Combination of vital and health statistical data from multiple sources, used to derive information about the health needs, health resources, use of health services, and outcomes of use by the people in a defined region or jurisdiction.

Patient discussion about health information system

Q. Is fibromyalgia related to Central Nervous System? Is fibromyalgia related to Central Nervous System? Among men and women who is more prone to the symptoms of fibromyalgia?A. here is a quote from the National Fibromyalgia Association site:
"Little research has been conducted that measures the prevalence of fibromyalgia, and estimates vary widely as to the proportion of male versus female patients. A 1999 epidemiology study conducted in London found a female to male ratio of roughly three to one. However, a 2001 review of the research literature in Current Rheumatology Reports stated the ratio was nine to one."

Q. on what systems does ADHD effects? A. Central nervous system. Which usually affects the hormonal state and any other system there is...

Q. on what system in the body does a Fibromyalgia effects? A. Fibromyalgia effects the musculoskeletal and neuronal systems mainly. It is known to cause general weakness and unexplained fatigue, and a syndrome of pain, associated with different locations in the body. People suffer from chronic and extreme tenderness to light touch. Other symptoms include muscle aches, tingling and muscle spasms.

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