Shoup Bay State Marine Park
Shoup Bay State Marine Park
Location:5 miles southwest of the Port of Valdez; no road access.
Facilities:Campsites (including good sites for large groups), 3 cabins, toilets, trails.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, wildlife observation.
Special Features:Park highlights include Shoup Glacier, and the black-legged kittiwakerookery in the lagoon. Anchorage here is fair to poor in the bay but goodfor small boats in the lagoon; the lagoon can only be reached duringhigh tide with small boats. Visitors are cautioned to be on the lookoutfor icebergs and allow plentyof room to get around these potentially dangerous navigation hazards. Afoot trail runs from Valdez to this park (the only state marinepark with foot access in Prince William Sound).
Address:c/o Kenai/PWS Area Office
PO Box 1247
Soldotna, AK 99669
Size: 4,560 acres.
See other parks in Alaska.