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satellitosis[‚sad·əl‚īd′ō·səs] (medicine) A condition, associated with inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, in which satellite cells increase around the nerve cells. satellitosis
satellitosis [sat″ĕ-li-to´sis] accumulation of neuroglial cells about neurons; seen whenever neurons are damaged.sat·el·li·to·sis (sat'ĕ-lī-tō'sis), 1. A condition marked by an accumulation of neuroglia cells around neurons or blood vessels of the central nervous system. 2. The presence of satellite, smaller structures, or lesions, for example, metastatic melanoma in the skin adjacent to the primary tumor, or lymphocytes in contact with a damaged keratinocyte in acute cutaneous graft versus host reaction. [L. satelles (satellit-), an attendant, + G. -ōsis, condition] A finding by low-power light microscopy in scarring (healing) cirrhosis, where islands of surviving liver parenchyma are surrounded by neutrophils and inflammationsat·el·li·to·sis (sat'ĕ-lī-tō'sis) 1. A condition marked by an accumulation of neuroglia cells around the neurons of the central nervous system, often as a prelude to neuronophagia. 2. The presence of satellite, smaller structures or lesions. [L. satelles (satellit-), an attendant, + G. -ōsis, condition] |