SASOSaudi Arabian Standards Organization
SASOSenior Air Staff Officer (military rank)
SASOStability and Support Operations
SASOSelf-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (IEEE conference)
SASOSouthern Arizona Symphony Orchestra (Tucscon, AZ)
SASOSouth African Students' Organisation
SASOSecurity And Stability Operations
SASOSystem Approach for Safety Oversight
SASOSecurity and Support Operations
SASOSave and Save Often
SASOSensitive Applications Security Officer (USGS)
SASOSystems Acquisition Support Office
SASOState Aviation Safety Officer
SASOStavanger AmatørSymfoniOrkester
SASOSuelos, Agua y Semillas de Oaxaca (Spanish: Soil, Water and Seeds of Oaxaca; Mexico)
SASOSoviet Army Study Office (Fort Leavenworth, KS)