

单词 ptt





Post, Telephone and Telegraph administration


(1) (Postal, Telegraph & Telephone) The governmental agency responsible for combined postal, telegraph and telephone services in many European countries.

(2) See push-to-talk.



 [tīm] a measure of duration. See under adjectives for specific times, such as bleeding time.activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT, aPTT) the period required for clot formation in recalcified plasma" >blood plasma after contact activation and the addition of platelet substitutes such as brain cephalins or similar phospholipids; used to assess the pathways" >coagulation pathways. A prolonged aPTT can indicate a deficiency of any of various coagulation factors, including factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, and II, and fibrinogen.AEC minimal response time the shortest duration at which x-ray exposure can be terminated by automatic exposure control.atrioventricular sequential time a fixed nonprogrammable interval that extends from the atrial stimulus to the ventricular stimulus.bleeding time the time required for a standardized wound to stop bleeding; used as a test for platelet disorders; see also bleeding time.circulation time the time required for blood to flow between two given points; see also circulation time.clotting time (coagulation time) the time required for blood to clot in a glass tube; see also clotting.cold ischemia time the time between the placement of a traumatically amputated body part in ice and the time of surgical replantation.inertia time the time required to overcome the inertia of a muscle after reception of a stimulus.ischemia time the total time between traumatic amputation of a limb or portion of a limb and its surgical reimplantation; it is the sum of warm and cold ischemia times.minimal response time in radiology, the shortest possible exposure time for an x-ray film to be exposed automatically.one-stage prothrombin time prothrombin time" >prothrombin time.prothrombin time see prothrombin time.real time a term used to describe a recording device that shows events simultaneously to their occurrence.R peak time intrinsicoid deflection.thrombin time the time required for plasma fibrinogen to form thrombin; see also thrombin time.warm ischemia time the time interval between traumatic amputation of a limb or part and its placement on ice.


Abbreviation for partial thromboplastin time.


Abbreviation for partial thromboplastin time.


PTTPostal Telegraph and Telephone
PTTPublic Telephone & Telegraph
PTTPush-To-Talk (radio tranceivers)
PTTPartial Thromboplastin Time (test)
PTTPresidential Transition Team (various locations)
PTTPost Telephone and Telegraph
PTTProtocol Task Team
PTTPush to Talk
PTTPostal Telephone and Telegraph
PTTPart of Title
PTTPress to Transmit
PTTPetroleum Authority of Thailand (Bangkok, Thailand)
PTTProperty Transfer Tax
PTTPower Trim/Tilt (engines)
PTTPart Task Trainer
PTTPosterior Tibial Tendon
PTTPolice Transition Team
PTTPosta Telgraf Ve Telefon (Turkey)
PTTPonto de Troca de Tráfego (Portuguese: Internet Exchange Point)
PTTPlatform Transmitter Terminal
PTTPoly(Trimethylene Terephthalate) (chemical thermoplastic polymer)
PTTProgramming Tools and Techniques
PTTProfessional Technology Temple (Taiwan BBS)
PTTpermit to transfer (shipping)
PTTMinistry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone (Iran)
PTTPoker Team Ticket (tournament)
PTTPetits Travailleurs Tranquiles (French: Small Quiet Workers)
PTTPijama Terlik Televizyon (Turkish)
PTTPoste, Téléphone et Télécommunications (French Post Office)
PTTProfessional Technical Trainer
PTTPart-Time Teaching
PTTProtocol Test Tool
PTTProject Tracking Tool
PTTPhysical Training Test
PTTPresidential Technology Team
PTTProviders of Telecommunications Training
PTTPrecision Pressure Transducer
PTTPlotting Team Trainer
PTTProgram Technical Training
PTTPersonnel Transition Team
PTTPittsburg Tank & Tower Company Inc.
PTTPejabat Telekom Tempatan




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