

单词 sar



abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Special Administrative Region (of China)


Sons of the American Revolution.



segmentation and reassembly


(1) (Specific Absorption Rate) A unit of measurement of the rate that energy is absorbed into the body. The SAR rating is watts per kilogram of human tissue. In the U.S., the maximum allowed SAR for a cellphone is 1.6. While some phones are as low as 0.2, many high-end smartphones are just a hair under 1.6. See electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

(2) (Segmentation And Reassembly) The protocol that converts data to cells for transmission over an ATM network. It is the lower part of the ATM Adaption Layer (AAL), which is responsible for the entire operation. See AAL.



Abbreviation for scaffold-associated regions , under region.


Abbreviation for sarcosine.


Abbreviation for:
search and rescue 
seasonal allergic rhinitis
secondary attack rate
sinoatrial rate
slowly adapting receptor
sodium adsorption ratio
specific absorption rates
standardised access ratio 
staphylococcal accessory regulator
subjective analysis return 
survival after recurrence
suspected adverse reaction
systemic anaphylactic reaction


1. Sarcoidosis.2. Scaffold attachment region. See Matrix attachment region.3. Sexual Attitude Reassessment.4. Standard admissions ratio.




The ISO 4217 currency code for the Saudi Arabian Riyal.


ISO 4217 code for the Saudi Arabian riyal. It became the official currency of the Kingdom at its establishment in 1932; it is the successor currency to the Hejaz riyal. Between 1986 and 2003, the riyal was pegged to Special Drawing Rights, but in practice, this was effectively a peg to the U.S. dollar. The peg was officially changed to the dollar in 2003 and has been in effect since (with the exception of a brief period toward the end of 2007). It is issued by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency.


SARSpecific Absorption Rate (measure of the rate of absorption of RF energy in the body)
SARSearch And Rescue
SARSons of the American Revolution
SARStudent Aid Report
SARSynthetic Aperture Radar
SARSpecial Administrative Region
SARSaudi Arabian Riyal
SARSyrian Arab Republic
SARSuccessive Approximation Register
SARStructure-Activity Relationship
SARSchool for Advanced Research (Santa Fe, NM)
SARStaff Appraisal Report
SARSemi-Automatic Rifle (weapon)
SARSodium Absorption Ratio
SARSystem Architecture
SARStock Appreciation Right
SARSchool Accountability Report
SARSite Assessment and Remediation (various locations)
SARSegmentation And Reassembly
SARSurvival and Resilience
SARSummary Annual Report
SARSarasota Springs (Amtrak station code; Sarasota Springs, NY)
SARSystemic Acquired Resistance
SARSemi-Annual Report
SARSupplied-Air Respirator (US OSHA)
SARSelf-Assessment Report
SARStop and Reverse (trading markets; stocks, bonds, commodities)
SARSignificant Architectural Requirement
SARSpecific Absorption Rate
SARStore Archive
SARSecurity Assurance Requirements
SARSeasonal Allergic Rhinitis
SARSub-Acute Rehabilitation (medical care unit)
SARSecond Assessment Report
SARSome Assembly Required
SARSouth African Railways
SARSafety Analysis Report
SARSnow and Avalanche Research (Switzerland)
SARSouth African Republic
SARSan Antonio Rampage (hockey team)
SARStandards Assessment Report (education)
SARSchool of American Research (Santa Fe, NM, USA)
SARSon Altesse Royale
SARSelected Acquisition Report
SARShift Arithmetic Right
SARState Agency Representative
SARService Archive (JBoss Server)
SARSemi-Active Radar
SARSafety Assessment Report
SARServizio Agrometeorologico Regionale (Italian: Regional Meteorological Services)
SARSign-A-Rama (est. 1986)
SARSpecies-Area Relationship (ecology)
SARSouth Atlantic Review (est. 1935; Atlanta, GA)
SARSouth Australian Railways (South Australia, Australia)
SARShort Assault Rifle
SARSystem Archive
SARSoutheast Asia Region
SARSolicitors Accounts Rules
SARSpecial Access Required
SARSpecial Autonomous Region
SARService Authorization Request
SARStructural Activity Relationship (EPA)
SARSmall Arms Range
SARShareef Abdur-Rahim (basketball player)
SARSu Alteza Real (His/Her Royal Highness)
SARSvenska Arkitekters Riksförbund (Swedish: Swedish Architects Association; Stockholm, Sweden)
SARSpecial Access Requirement (US DoD)
SARSystem Access Request
SARSea Air Rescue
SARStudent-Athlete Reinstatement
SARSite Assessment Report
SARSituation Action Result
SARSecurity Assessment Report
SARSarikoli (linguistics)
SARStichting Architecten Research (Foundation for Architects' Research)
SARSingle Aliquot Regeneration
SARStable Auroral Red
SARShare Appreciation Right
SARSocietatea Academica Romana (Romanian)
SARSource Approval Request
SARSystem Address Register
SARSystem Activity Reporting
SARSua Altezza Reale (His/Her Royal Highness)
SARService Activity Report
SARSolution Assurance Review
SARSociété d'Astronomie de Rennes (French: Astronomical Society of Rennes; Rennes, France)
SARSan Andreas Reservoir (California)
SARStart Action Request
SARSatellite Access Request
SARScaffold Attached Region (molecular biology)
SARShift Amount Register
SARSouth Asian Religious News (est. 1981)
SARStandard Absorption Rate
SARShip Alteration Record
SARSuper Adventure Rockman (video game)
SARSide-looking Aperture Radar
SARStorage Address Register
SARSoftware Action Request
SARSummary Account Record
SARSouthern Alpine Recreation (New Zealand)
SARSingapore Armoured Regiment
SARSecurity Assistance Review
SARSystem Acquired Resistance
SARSysout Archival and Retrieval
SARSpecial Access Request
SARSoftware Architecture Review
SARSymmetrix Automated Replication
SARSulfuric Acid Recovery (hydrocarbon processing application)
SARSubsequent Applications Review
SARSurveillance Approach Radar
SARSingle Access Return
SARSubscriber Application Router
SARSignificant Activities Report
SARSalaire Annuel de Référence (French: Annual Salary of Reference)
SARSystem Anomaly Report
SARSimulated Acidic Rain
SARSpecial Action Report
SARSecurity Access Requirement (code)
SARSocial Assistance Recipient (Canada)
SARSquad Automatic Rifle
SARSalanter Akiba of Riverdale (Riverdale, New York)
SARSystème d'Accès au Réseau (French: Network Access System)
SARSchedule Add Request
SARSoftware Assurance Requirement
SARSystem Acquisition Report
SARSummary Analysis Report
SARStomach Acid Reflux
SARSOI Anomaly Reports
SARSubject Analysis and Retrieval
SARSoftware Answer Supervision
SARSodium Adsorption Ratio unit
SARSuppressor Area Ratio (jet engines)
SARShared Accommodation Rack
SARSystems Assurance Review
SARSite & Acceptance Review
SARShort Annular Ring
SARSystems Analysis Recording
SARSystem Archive Retrieval
SARSellability Analysis Report (Sprint)
SARSchedule and Requests
SARSub-Account Representative
SARScientific Absorption Rate
SARStock-Adjustment Request
SARSpecial Aeronautical Requirement
SARSite Access Restricted
SARService Aptitude Rating
SARSpecific Appropriation Request
SARStrategische Argumentatie en Research BV (Haarlem, Netherlands)
SARSignificant Action Report
SARSecurity Audit Reduction
SARSoftware Analysis Review (Telcordia)
SARSafety Appraisal Report
SARSample Assessment Report
SARSignaling Access Routers (Sprint)
SARSupply Activities Requirements
SARSituation Awareness Report
SARSupply Assistance Request
SARSupportive Academic Remediation
SARShip Alteration Request
SARSex Attitude Restructuring (course)
SARSupplies Account Representative
SARSecurity Assistance Request
SARSupport Air Request
SARSemi-Autonomous Robotics
SARSuspicious Activity Report(ing) (banks reporting suspicious transactions)
SARSubconscious Analysis and Reprogramming (psychology)
SARStoichiometric Air Requirement (gas combustion)
SARSoftware Anomaly Report




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