pterygospinous ligament

pter·y·go·spi·nous lig·a·ment

[TA] a membranous ligament extending from the spine of the sphenoid to the upper part of the posterior border of the lateral plate of the sphenoid (lateral pterygoid plate). Synonym(s): ligamentum pterygospinale [TA], Civinini ligament, pterygospinal ligament


Filippo, Italian anatomist, 1805-1844. Civinini canal - a canal in the petrotympanic or glaserian fissure near its posterior edge through which the chorda tympani nerve issues from the skull. Synonym(s): anterior canaliculus of chorda tympaniCivinini ligament - a membranous ligament extending from the spine of the sphenoid to the upper part of the posterior border of the lateral pterygoid lamina. Synonym(s): pterygospinous ligamentCivinini process - a sharp projection from the posterior edge of the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone. Synonym(s): pterygospinous process