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psychoprophylaxis (ˌsaɪkəʊˌprəʊfɪˈlæksɪs) n (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) a method of preparing women for natural childbirth by means of special breathing and relaxationpsychoprophylaxisa method of preparing women for childbirth without anesthetic, by means of education, psychological and physical conditioning, and breathing exercises. Also called Lamaze technique. — psychoprophylactic, adj.See also: Birth
psychoprophylaxis [si″ko-pro″fĭ-lak´sis] a method of prepared childbirth using mental and physical training aimed at preventing pain and modifying the perception of painful sensations associated with normal uncomplicated childbirth; see also lamaze method. adj., adj psychoprophylac´tic.psy·cho·pro·phy·lax·is (sī'kō-prō'fi-lak'sis), Psychotherapy directed toward the prevention of emotional disorders and the maintenance of mental health. [psycho- + prophylaxis] psychoprophylaxis (si?ko-pro?fi-lak'sis) [ psych- + prophylaxis] In obstetrics, a method of mental and physical preparation for natural childbirth. See: natural childbirth; Lamaze method |