Removal From Work

Removal From Work


under Soviet labor law, (1) temporary release of a worker from performance of labor duties with pay stoppage; (2) unconditional and final release from a position occupied, either by dismissal or by transfer to another job.

Removal from a job and stoppage of pay are carried out only at the behest of authorized agencies and only in cases covered by the laws of the USSR and Union republics. When an official has been accused of a crime, and it is deemed necessary to remove him from his position, the investigator or agencies of inquiry may issue a reasoned decision to this effect, which is to be ratified by the procurator. The administration of an enterprise or institution does not have the right to remove from the job persons suspected or accused of committing a crime.

State sanitary inspection agencies have the right to remove persons with infectious diseases from their work until they are cured. During the period of absence from work, these persons receive a state social insurance grant of the type awarded in cases of general ill health.

A people’s control committee has the right to remove officials from their positions for flagrant violations of state discipline and other serious cases of neglect of their duties.