sternothyroid muscle

ster·no·thy·roid mus·cle

(ster'nō-thī'royd mŭs'ĕl) Origin, posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and first or second costal cartilage; insertion, oblique line of thyroid cartilage; action, depresses larynx; nerve supply, upper cervical via spinal nerves (ansa cervicalis).
Synonym(s): musculus sternothyroideus [TA] .

ster·no·thy·roid mus·cle

(ster'nō-thī'royd mŭs'ĕl) Origin, posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and first or second costal cartilage; insertion, oblique line of thyroid cartilage; action, depresses larynx; nerve supply, upper cervical via spinal nerves (ansa cervicalis).
Synonym(s): musculus sternothyroideus [TA] .