


a post-Harappan archaeological culture of about the 16th-15th century B.C. The Indian archaeologist N. G. Majumdar discovered the culture at the village of Jhukar, on the territory of the historical province of Sind (Pakistan). The culture has been observed on insufficient territory and, therefore, the question of its origin has not yet been resolved. Two-color pottery similar to Baluchistan types is characteristic of the Jhukar culture as are the distinctive seals made from stone, faience, and clay. Excavations in Chanhu-Daro have established a certain time interval between the Harappan and Jhukar cultures. A number of archaeologists (R. E. M. Wheeler, S. Piggott, and others) identify the bearers of the Jhukar culture with the Aryans, a conclusion which elicits serious objections. The definite affinity of Jhukar to certain Baluchi archaeological cultures links it to the ancient tribes of Baluchistan.


Dikshit, S. K. Vvedenie v arkheologiiu. Moscow, 1960. (Translated from English.)
Bongard-Levin, G. M. “Kharappskaia tsivilizatsiia i ’ariiskaia problema’.” Sovetskaia etnografiia, 1962, no. 1.
Wheeler, R. E. M. The Indus Civilization, 3rd ed. Cambridge, 1968.