Phonograph Record Teaching Kit
Phonograph Record Teaching Kit
(Russian, fonokhrestomatiia), a teaching aid consisting of a set of phonograph records (with literature, music, or special educational or documentary transcriptions for use in the curriculum of some academic subject) and a methodological guide for the teacher. Records for such teaching aids are selected and organized in such a way as to produce a combined educational and artistic effect on the students.
The idea of creating a record textbook to assist teachers was first proposed in the 1930’s by the Soviet master of the spoken arts V. N. Iakhontov. The first phonograph record teaching kits (for Russian literature for grades 5–7 in general-education schools) were issued in the USSR between 1965 and 1967. Kits for courses in Russian and national literatures in national schools and specialized secondary educational institutions have been issued since the late 1960’s; kits covering the history of the USSR and music are also available. Such kits form the basis of school record libraries. Similar audio teaching aids, mainly for courses in foreign languages and music, are produced in many countries.