son et lumière

son et lu·mière

S0560700 (sôn′ ā lüm-yâr′)n. See sound-and-light show.
[French : son, sound + et, and + lumière, light.]

son et lumière

(ˈsɒn eɪ ˈluːmɪˌɛə; French sɔ̃n e lymjɛr) n (Theatre) an entertainment staged at night at a famous building, historical site, etc, whereby the history of the location is presented by means of lighting effects, sound effects, and narration[French, literally: sound and light]

son et lu•mière

(sɔ neɪ lüˈmyɛr)
n. French. sound-and-light show.

son et lumière

A French phrase meaning sound and light, used to mean a sound and light display staged at a historical site to portray the site’s history.