remedial supervisor
remedial supervisor
A doctor who is assigned to supervise the prescribed retraining and re-education of a doctor identified by the General Medical Council (GMC) as having one or more areas of professional deficiency, usually related to competence.Remedial Supervisor’s responsibilities
• Have unconditional regard for the professional progress and well being of the supervisee;
• Produce an educational action plan which will incorporate all areas for improvement outlined in reports on areas of weakness and conditions placed on the doctor’s practice;
• Explain in detail with the supervisee the contents of the educational action plan, assessment methods and outcomes required;
• Discuss the expected timeframes for completing each element of the educational plan;
• Make a record of each remedial supervision session to include the topics discussed, plans and decisions made, review of progress and dates of next meeting;
• Raise any concerns about the lack of engagement or progress with the supervisee him- or herself;
• Provide the responsible trust with regular progress reports after each session of supervision.