suspensory ligament of eyeball

sus·pen·so·ry lig·a·ment of eye·ball

[TA] a thickening of the inferior part of the bulbar sheath that supports the eye within the orbit; it extends between the lateral and medial orbital margins and includes the medial and lateral check ligaments. Synonym(s): ligamentum suspensorium bulbi [TA], Lockwood ligament

sus·pen·so·ry lig·a·ment of eye·ball

(sŭs-pen'sŏr-ē lig'ă-mĕnt ī'bawl) [TA] A thickening of the inferior part of the bulbar sheath that supports the eye within the orbit; it extends between the lateral and medial orbital margins and includes the medial and lateral check ligaments.


Charles B., English anatomist and surgeon, 1858-1914. ligament of Lockwood - Synonym(s): suspensory ligament of eyeballLockwood clampLockwood forcepsLockwood ligament - Synonym(s): suspensory ligament of eyeballLockwood tendon