Phase Advancer

phase advancer

[′fāz id‚van·sər] (electricity) Phase modifier which supplies leading reactive volt-amperes to the system to which it is connected; may be either synchronous or asynchronous.

Phase Advancer


a source of reactive power, connected either to certain junction points in an electrical network or directly to the load terminals; it is used to compensate the phase shift between voltage and current. Phase advancers make it possible to adjust or maintain the voltage in the network, lower the power loss, and increase the carrying capacity of electrical systems.

Phase advancers may be adjustable or nonadjustable. Adjustable phase advancers make it possible to change the capacitive or inductive characteristics of the reactive power in a network, ensuring that the specified performance is maintained even under changing conditions. Adjustable phase advancers may be either rotating machines or static devices. Synchronous compensators may be used as adjustable, rotary phase advancers; capacitors are used as adjustable, static phase advancers. Adjustable current rectifiers, adjustable electric reactors, or transformers may function as the control elements in either type. Nonadjustable phase advancers are usually of the static capacitor type.

In many cases phase advancers also function as load-balancing devices. They are also used as filters for harmonic oscillations in networks with predominantly nonsinusoidal loads. Static phase advancers are used in rectifier conversion devices that have forced (triggered) switching. The choice of phase advancer type depends on engineering and economic factors, including the nature of the network loads, the rate and range of load changes, and the operating conditions of the network.


Mamoshin, R. R. Povyshenie kachestva energii na tiagovykh podstantsiiakh dorog peremennogo toka. Moscow, 1973.