Manizer, Genrikh Genrikhovich

Manizer, Genrikh Genrikhovich


Born Sept. 21 (Oct. 3), 1889, in St. Petersburg; died June 21 (July 4), 1917. Russian ethnographer and linguist.

Manizer graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1912. In 1914-15 he took part in an expedition to South America, where he gathered ethnographic and linguistic materials among the Indian tribes (Botocudo and others) and highland population of Brazil, as well as collections for ethnographic museums. The dictionaries of four Indian languages compiled by Manizer, his description of the life of the Botocudo (who were forcibly settled on reservations), and other ethnographic works are of great value. Upon his return to Petrograd, Manizer prepared a monograph on G. I. Langsdorf’s expedition to Brazil. In 1916, Manizer joined the army as a volunteer; he died on the front from typhus.


Ekspeditsiia akademika G. I. Langsdorfa v Braziliiu (1821-1828). Moscow, 1948. (Includes biographical data and a list of Manizer’s works.)