articular surface of mandibular fossa of temporal bone

ar·tic·u·lar sur·face of mandibular fossa of tem·po·ral bone

[TA] the smooth portion of the mandibular articular fossa and eminence of the temporal bone that articulates with the disc of the temporomandibular joint. Synonym(s): facies articularis fossae mandibularis ossis temporalis [TA]

ar·tic·u·lar sur·face of man·dib·u·lar fos·sa of tem·po·ral bone

(ahr-tikyū-lăr sŭrfăs man-dibyū-lăr fosă tempŏr-ăl bōn) [TA] Smooth portion of mandibular articular fossa and eminence of the temporal bone that articulates with the disc of the temporomandibular joint.
Synonym(s): facies articularis fossae mandibularis ossis temporalis.