Acronym | Definition |
SHD➣Should |
SHD➣Structural Heart Disease (cardiology) |
SHD➣Sustainable Human Development |
SHD➣Shadowing |
SHD➣Second Hand Dealer |
SHD➣Shell Document |
SHD➣System Hang Detection |
SHD➣Serial Highway Driver |
SHD➣Shift Decimal |
SHD➣Service Historique de la Défense (French: Service History of Defense; French military archive center) |
SHD➣Société Henry Dunant (French: Henry Dunant Society; Switzerland) |
SHD➣Society, Health and Development |
SHD➣Smart Handheld Devices |
SHD➣Société du Haut Débit (French: Broadband Corporation) |
SHD➣Storage, Handling, Distribution (UK materials handling magazine.) |
SHD➣Sedative-Hypnotic Drug |
SHD➣Staunton, VA, USA - Shenandoah Valley Regional (Airport Code) |
SHD➣Small Heavy Duty |
SHD➣Ship Hull Design |
SHD➣Sims Hot Date (game) |
SHD➣Special Handling Designators |
SHD➣Special Handling Detachment |
SHD➣Sadie Hawkins Dance |
SHD➣Super High Definition Display |
SHD➣Scout Helicopter Division |
SHD➣Single-Hop Delay |
SHD➣Supersonic High Diver |
SHD➣Saint Hubert Développement (French: Saint Hubert Development) |
SHD➣Shop Drawing |
SHD➣Sadie Hawkins Day |
SHD➣Single Hip Disarticulation |
SHD➣Suction Hopper Dredger |