释义 |
Z1. The symbol for atomic number.2. The symbol for impedance.
z or Z Z0000100 (zē)n. pl. z's or Z's also zs or Zs 1. The 26th letter of the modern English alphabet.2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter z.3. The 26th in a series.4. Something shaped like the letter Z.5. z's Slang Sleep. [Sense 5, from zzz.]z (zɛd; US ziː) or Zn, pl z's, Z's or Zs1. (Linguistics) the 26th and last letter and the 20th consonant of the modern English alphabet2. (Phonetics & Phonology) a speech sound represented by this letter, in English usually a voiced alveolar fricative, as in zip3. a. something shaped like a Zb. (in combination): a Z-bend in a road.
z symbol for 1. (Mathematics) the z-axis or a coordinate measured along the z-axis in a Cartesian or cylindrical coordinate system 2. (Mathematics) an algebraic variable
Z symbol for 1. (Mathematics) any unknown, variable, or unspecified factor, number, person, or thing 2. (Chemistry) chem atomic number 3. (General Physics) physics impedance 4. zone 5. (Currencies) currency zaïre abbreviation for (Automotive Engineering) Zambia (international car registration) Z, z (zi; esp. Brit. zɛd; Archaic ˈɪz ərd) n., pl. Zs Z's, zs z's. 1. the 26th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. 2. any spoken sound represented by this letter. 3. something shaped like a Z. 4. a written or printed representation of the letter Z or z. Z Symbol. 1. the 26th in order or in a series. 2. atomic number. z zone. z Math. Symbol. an unknown quantity or a variable. z. zero. zThe letter 'z' is called zed (/zed/) in British English and zee (/ziː/) in American English. ThesaurusNoun | 1. Z - the ending of a series or sequence; "the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end"--Revelationomegaconclusion, ending, finish - event whose occurrence ends something; "his death marked the ending of an era"; "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show" | | 2.z - the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet; "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee"; "he doesn't know A from izzard"ezed, izzard, zed, zeeLatin alphabet, Roman alphabet - the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europealphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters" |
Z, 26th and last letter of the alphabetalphabet [Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness. ..... Click the link for more information. , representing the voiced correspondent of voiceless s, as in the English zebra. Its original is the Greek zeta, which the Romans borrowed and added to their alphabet.Z/zed/ 1. (After Zermelo-Fr?nkel set theory) A specification language developed by theProgramming Research Group at Oxford University around 1980.Z is used for describing and modelling computing systems. Itis based on axiomatic set theory and first order predicate logic. Z is written using many non-ASCII symbols. It wasused in the IBM CICS project.
See also Z++.
["Understanding Z", J.M. Spivey, Cambridge U Press 1988].
2. A stack-based, complex arithmeticsimulation language from ZOLA Technologies.ZA mathematical language used for developing the functional specification of a software program. Developed in the late 1970s at Oxford University, IBM's CICS software is specified in Z.
Z, 26th and last letter of the alphabetalphabet [Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness. ..... Click the link for more information. , representing the voiced correspondent of voiceless s, as in the English zebra. Its original is the Greek zeta, which the Romans borrowed and added to their alphabet.Z/zed/ 1. (After Zermelo-Fr?nkel set theory) A specification language developed by theProgramming Research Group at Oxford University around 1980.Z is used for describing and modelling computing systems. Itis based on axiomatic set theory and first order predicate logic. Z is written using many non-ASCII symbols. It wasused in the IBM CICS project. See also Z++. ["Understanding Z", J.M. Spivey, Cambridge U Press 1988]. 2. A stack-based, complex arithmeticsimulation language from ZOLA Technologies.Z(1) A line of mainframes from IBM. See IBM Z. (2) A mathematical language used for developing the functional specification of a software program. Developed in the late 1970s at Oxford University, IBM's CICS software is specified in Z.Z
number [num´ber] a symbol, as a figure or word, expressive of a certain value or a specified quantity determined by count.atomic number (Z) a number expressive of the number of protons in an atomic nucleus, or the positive charge of the nucleus expressed in terms of the electronic charge.Avogadro's number (N) (NA) the number of molecules in one mole of a substance: 6.023 × 1023. Called also Avogadro's constant.CT number the density assigned to a voxel" >voxel in a scan" >CAT scan on an arbitrary scale on which air has a density −1000; water, 0; and compact bone +1000. See also hounsfield unit.mass number (A) the number of nucleons (protons plus neutrons) in the atom of a nuclide; generally indicated by a superscript preceding the symbol of a chemical element (e.g., 131I), denoting a specific isotope.oxidation number a number assigned to each atom in a molecule or ion that represents the number of electrons theoretically gained (positive oxidation numbers) or lost (negative numbers) in converting the atom to the elemental form.ZAbbreviation for benzyloxycarbonyl (carbobenzoxy-); symbol for an amino acid that is either glutamic acid, glutamine, or a substance that yields glutamic acid on acid hydrolysis of peptides (for example, 4-carboxyglutamate or 5-oxyproline); carbobenzoxy; in italics, zusammen. ZAbbreviation for atomic number. zAbbreviation for zepto-.Z Symbol for: 1. Atomic number.2. Aza–a nucleoside substitite.3. Glutamic acid and glutamine.4. Impedance.5. Drug slang A street term for 1 ounce– 28 g. of heroin.6. Net charge.7. Proton number.8. Zone.Z Abbreviation for benzyloxycarbonyl; atomic number.
z Abbreviation for zepto-. Z abbrev. for either GLUTAMINE (Q) or GLUTAMIC ACID (E) where the amino acid residue in the protein cannot be distinguished as Q or E or varies between Q and E.
number [num´ber] a symbol, as a figure or word, expressive of a certain value or a specified quantity determined by count.atomic number (Z) a number expressive of the number of protons in an atomic nucleus, or the positive charge of the nucleus expressed in terms of the electronic charge.Avogadro's number (N) (NA) the number of molecules in one mole of a substance: 6.023 × 1023. Called also Avogadro's constant.CT number the density assigned to a voxel">voxel">voxel">voxel">voxel">voxel in a scan">scan">CAT scan">CAT scan">scan">CAT scan on an arbitrary scale on which air has a density −1000; water, 0; and compact bone +1000. See also hounsfield unit.mass number (A) the number of nucleons (protons plus neutrons) in the atom of a nuclide; generally indicated by a superscript preceding the symbol of a chemical element (e.g., 131I), denoting a specific isotope.oxidation number a number assigned to each atom in a molecule or ion that represents the number of electrons theoretically gained (positive oxidation numbers) or lost (negative numbers) in converting the atom to the elemental form.ZAbbreviation for benzyloxycarbonyl (carbobenzoxy-); symbol for an amino acid that is either glutamic acid, glutamine, or a substance that yields glutamic acid on acid hydrolysis of peptides (for example, 4-carboxyglutamate or 5-oxyproline); carbobenzoxy; in italics, zusammen. ZAbbreviation for atomic number. zAbbreviation for zepto-.Z Symbol for: 1. Atomic number.2. Aza–a nucleoside substitite.3. Glutamic acid and glutamine.4. Impedance.5. Drug slang A street term for 1 ounce– 28 g. of heroin.6. Net charge.7. Proton number.8. Zone.Z Abbreviation for benzyloxycarbonyl; atomic number.
z Abbreviation for zepto-. Z abbrev. for either GLUTAMINE (Q) or GLUTAMIC ACID (E) where the amino acid residue in the protein cannot be distinguished as Q or E or varies between Q and E.>A
A accommodation; adenine or adenosine; alanine; ampere; anode; anterior; (as a subscript) alveolar gas. See also point A">point A.
A absorbance, activity (radioactivity), area, mass number.
ā (L.) an´te (before).
α alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, often used to indicate the first member of a series, such as the α chain of hemoglobin. See also terms beginning alpha.A1. Abbreviation for ampere; adenine; alanine; alanyl. 2. As a subscript, refers to alveolar gas. 3. Symbol (usually capitalized italic, A) for absorbance. 4. Symbol for adenosine or adenylic acid in polynucleotides; alanine or alanyl in polypeptides. 5. First substrate in a multisubstrate enzyme-catalyzed reaction. ASymbol for absorbance; affinity; Helmholtz energy. a1. Abbreviation for total acidity; ante; area; asymmetric; auris; artery; arteria [TA]. 2. Symbol for atto-. 3. As a subscript, refers to systemic arterial blood. aSymbol for specific absorption coefficient; abbreviation for absorptivity; activity.Aabbr.1. adenine2. ampere3. or Å angstrom4. areaa Abbreviation for: absorptivity acceleration chemical activity arterial blood gas atto-
A Abbreviation for: abnormal absorbance accessory acetum actin Actinomyces adenine adenosine admittance Electricity adrenaline adriamycin agar akinetic alanine albino guinea pig alcohol allele allergist allergy alternating current alveolar gas ampere amphetamine anaphylaxis Angstrom animal anion annealing anterior antigen antinuclear antibody (ANA is more commonly used) aqueous area arterial arteriolar asbestos asparagine atrial atrium assist atropine auricular auris (ear) axis a regional street term for LSD ONDCP mass number radioactivityA Symbol for: 1. Actin.2. Adenine.3. Adrenaline.4. Adriamycin.5. Alanine.6. Ampere.7. Amphetamine.8. Anaphylaxis.9. Angstrom.10. Anion.11. Anterior.12. Aqueous.13. Area.14. Asparagine.15. Atrium.16. Auricular.17. Axis.
a Symbol for: 1. Absorptivity.2. Acceleration.3. Chemical activity.4. Arterial blood gas.5. atto-.°A Abbreviation for degree absolute; replaced by K (kelvin).
V̊AAbbreviation for alveolar ventilation
A Abbreviation for absolute; adenine; alanine; ampere.
AAbbreviation for Helmholtz energy.
a Abbreviation for absorptivity.
aAbbreviation for specific absorption coefficient. A abbrev. - ABSORBANCE.
- the nitrogenous base ADENINE in NUCLEIC ACIDS.
Å abbrev. ANGSTROM.A Abbreviation for alanine; ampere.
Ā Abbreviation for anion.
number [num´ber] a symbol, as a figure or word, expressive of a certain value or a specified quantity determined by count.atomic number (Z) a number expressive of the number of protons in an atomic nucleus, or the positive charge of the nucleus expressed in terms of the electronic charge.Avogadro's number (N) (NA) the number of molecules in one mole of a substance: 6.023 × 1023. Called also Avogadro's constant.CT number the density assigned to a voxel">voxel in a scan">CAT scan on an arbitrary scale on which air has a density −1000; water, 0; and compact bone +1000. See also hounsfield unit.mass number (A) the number of nucleons (protons plus neutrons) in the atom of a nuclide; generally indicated by a superscript preceding the symbol of a chemical element (e.g., 131I), denoting a specific isotope.oxidation number a number assigned to each atom in a molecule or ion that represents the number of electrons theoretically gained (positive oxidation numbers) or lost (negative numbers) in converting the atom to the elemental form.ZAbbreviation for benzyloxycarbonyl (carbobenzoxy-); symbol for an amino acid that is either glutamic acid, glutamine, or a substance that yields glutamic acid on acid hydrolysis of peptides (for example, 4-carboxyglutamate or 5-oxyproline); carbobenzoxy; in italics, zusammen. ZAbbreviation for atomic number. zAbbreviation for zepto-.Z Symbol for: 1. Atomic number.2. Aza–a nucleoside substitite.3. Glutamic acid and glutamine.4. Impedance.5. Drug slang A street term for 1 ounce– 28 g. of heroin.6. Net charge.7. Proton number.8. Zone.Z Abbreviation for benzyloxycarbonyl; atomic number.
z Abbreviation for zepto-. Z abbrev. for either GLUTAMINE (Q) or GLUTAMIC ACID (E) where the amino acid residue in the protein cannot be distinguished as Q or E or varies between Q and E.See Number
Number (redirected from Z)
INDEFINITE, NUMBER. A number which may be increased or diminished at pleasure. 2. When a corporation is composed of an indefinite number of persons, any number of them consisting of a majority of those present may do any act unless it be otherwise regulated by the charter or by-laws. See Definite number. NUMBER. A collection of units. 2. In pleading, numbers must be stated truly, when alleged in the recital of a record, written instrument, or express contract. Lawes' PI. 48; 4 T. R. 314; Cro. Car. 262; Dougl. 669; 2 Bl. Rep. 1104. But in other cases, it is not in general requisite that they should be truly stated, because they are not required to be strictly proved. If, for example, in an action of trespass the plaintiff proves the wrongful taking away of any part of the goods duly described in his declaration, he is entitled to recover pro tanto. Bac. Ab. Trespass, I 2 Lawes' PI. 48. 3. And sometimes, when the subject to be described is supposed to comprehend a multiplicity of particulars, a general description is sufficient. A declaration in trover alleging the conversion of "a library of books"' without stating their number, titles, or quality, was held 'to be sufficiently certain; 3 Bulst. 31; Carth. 110; Bac. Ab. Trover, F 1; and in an action for the loss of goods, by burning the plaintiff's house, the articles may be described by the simple denomination of "goods" or "divers goods." 1 Keb. 825; Plowd. 85, 118, 123; Cro. Eliz. 837; 1 H. Bl. 284. Z
ZFifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol indicating that listing is a fifth class of preferred stock, a stub, a certificate representing a limited partnership interest, foreign preferred when issued, or a second class of warrants.Z1. A symbol appearing next to a stock listed on NASDAQ indicating that the share being traded has a miscellaneous right, warrant, or receipt attached to it. All NASDAQ listings use a four-letter abbreviation; if a Z follows the abbreviation, it indicates that the share's category does not easily fit into other categories.
2. In over-the-counter trading, a symbol meaning that no quote is available for a security.
3. On a table, a symbol indicating an exact number, instead of an estimate, of securities traded.z1. Used in stock transaction tables in newspapers to indicate that the volume reported is the actual number of shares transacted, not the number of round lots: z150. 2. Used in over-the-counter stock transaction tables to indicate that no representative quote is available: z.
ZFifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol indicating that listing is a fifth class of preferred stock, a stub, a certificate representing a limited partnership interest, foreign preferred when issued, or a second class of warrants.Z1. A symbol appearing next to a stock listed on NASDAQ indicating that the share being traded has a miscellaneous right, warrant, or receipt attached to it. All NASDAQ listings use a four-letter abbreviation; if a Z follows the abbreviation, it indicates that the share's category does not easily fit into other categories.2. In over-the-counter trading, a symbol meaning that no quote is available for a security.3. On a table, a symbol indicating an exact number, instead of an estimate, of securities traded.z1. Used in stock transaction tables in newspapers to indicate that the volume reported is the actual number of shares transacted, not the number of round lots: z150. 2. Used in over-the-counter stock transaction tables to indicate that no representative quote is available: z.Z
Acronym | Definition |
Z➣Zulu | Z➣Impedance | Z➣GMT / UTC (logging abbreviation) | Z➣Effort (US DoD) | Z➣Zone | Z➣Speed Rating (department of transportation maximum tire speed rating of 149+ MPH) | Z➣Zero | Z➣Zoloft (anti-depressant) | Z➣All Stop (bell log on a US Navy ship) | Z➣Zusammen | Z➣Atomic Number (number of protons in nucleus) | Z➣Zodiac | Z➣Flash (Priority) | Z➣Flash (logging abbreviation) | Z➣Zenith | Z➣Corporation (IRB) | Z➣Zorro | Z➣Zillion | Z➣Azimuth | Z➣Footlocker (stock symbol) | Z➣Zentner (German 50kg) | Z➣Set of Integers (math) | Z➣Zulu Time | Z➣Zetta- (prefix, 10^21 or sextillion) | Z➣Certain Amino Acids (glutamic acid, glutamine or a substance that yields glutamic acid on hydrolysis) | Z➣Zygorhynchus (bacterium) | Z➣Proton Number (physics) | Z➣Sales in Full (newspaper stock table abbreviation) | Z➣Lighter-Than-Air Vehicle (US Military aircraft type designation) | Z➣Zionism/Zionist | Z➣Administrative Aircraft (US Navy) | Z➣Redshift Factor (determines how fast a cosmic object is moving away from Earth) | Z➣Ultra Heavy Nuclei | Z➣Unit of Sleep | Z➣Zylog, Incorporated | Z➣Benzyloxycarbonyl Compound | Z➣Zuckung - Contraction | Z➣Animalian Sex Chromosome (such as chickens and moths) | Z➣Jet Terminal Area | Z➣Depth axis in Cartesian coordinate system | Z➣Discrete-time complex variable (analogous to S in continuous-time; electrical engineering) | Z➣Center of an algebraic group (mathematics) | Z➣Aircraft Symbol Prefix – Planning |
Z nounSynonyms for Znounthe ending of a series or sequenceSynonymsRelated Wordsnounthe 26th letter of the Roman alphabetSynonymsRelated Words- Latin alphabet
- Roman alphabet
- alphabetic character
- letter of the alphabet
- letter