

S0916200 (sûr′jĭ-kəl)adj.1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of surgeons or surgery.2. Used in surgery.3. Resulting from or occurring after surgery.4. Extremely accurate; precise: surgical airstrikes against enemy compounds.
[From surgeon.]
sur′gi·cal·ly adv.
Adv.1.surgically - in a surgical manner; by means of surgery; "surgically removed"


(ˈsəːdʒən) noun1. a doctor who treats injuries or diseases by operations in which the body sometimes has to be cut open, eg to remove a diseased part. 外科醫生 外科医生2. a doctor in the army or navy. 軍醫 军医surgery (ˈsəːdʒəri) plural ˈsurgeries1. the practice or art of a surgeon. to specialize in surgery. 外科(學) 外科(学) 2. a doctor's or dentist's room in which he examines patients. 外科手術室 外科手术室surgical (ˈsəːdʒikəl) adjective of, or by means of, surgery. surgical instruments; He is in need of surgical treatment. 外科的 外科的ˈsurgically adverb 用外科手術,在外科上 用外科手术,在外科上