iodine stain

i·o·dine stain

a stain to detect amyloid, cellulose, chitin, starch, carotenes, and glycogen; also stains glycogen in amebas; feces and other wet preparations are stained directly with Lugol iodine solution; smears are treated with Schaudinn fixative and then stained with alcoholic iodine, followed by Heidenhain iron hematoxylin.

i·o·dine stain

(ī'ŏ-dīn stān) A stain to detect amyloid, cellulose, chitin, starch, carotenes, and glycogen, and to stain amebae by virtue of their glycogen; feces and other wet preparations are stained directly with Lugol iodine solution; smears are treated with Schaudinn fixative and then stained with alcoholic iodine, followed by Heidenhain iron hematoxylin.