Shark Iulduzi
Shark Iulduzi
(Shark yulduzi; Star of the East), a Soviet Uzbek journal of art, literature, politics, and public affairs. Shark iulduzi, a publication of the Communist Party of the Uzbek SSR, has been published weekly in Tashkent since 1933 under various names. Publication was curtailed during the Great Patriotic War (1941–45) but was resumed in 1946, when the current name was adopted. Editors of the journal have included the writers Aibek, A. Mukhtar, Kh. Guliam, and Mirmukhsin (1950–60 and since 1971).
The journal deals with current events in public affairs, politics, and literature. It also publishes articles on the history of Uzbek classical literature and Soviet literature and art, problems of literary criticism and theory, and works of Soviet and world literature. Circulation, 160,000 (1979).