Petr Bartenev
Bartenev, Petr Ivanovich
Born Oct. 1 (13), 1829, in the village of Korolevshchina, Tambov Province; died Oct. 22 (Nov. 4), 1912, in Moscow. Russian scholar of early texts and bibliographer.
Bartenev graduated from Moscow University in 1851. He was close to the Slavophiles and founded the historical journal Russkii arkhiv in 1863. He published a large number of historical and literary archival documents of the 18th and 19th centuries, mostly from personal and family holdings. These included The Eighteenth Century (books 1–4, 1868–69), The Nineteenth Century (books 1–2, 1872), The Archive of Prince Vorontsov (books 1–40, 1870–95), Collected Letters of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich (1856), and Notes of G. R. Derzhavin (1860). From 1859 to 1873, Bartenev was director of the Chertkov Library in Moscow and compiled a catalog of its books. He also wrote the bibliographical work Index to the Periodical Publications of the Society of Russian History and Antiquity Attached to the Imperial Moscow University During the Fifty Year Period, 1815–1865 (1866) and other such works, as well as articles about Pushkin (“Pushkin in Southern Russia,” 1862, 2nd ed., 1914, and “Stories About Pushkin, Recorded by P. I. Bartenev,” 1925).