Acronym | Definition |
NCLT➣National Company Law Tribunal (India) |
NCLT➣National Center for Learning and Teaching |
NCLT➣Northern California Land Trust |
NCLT➣Northern California Land Trust (founded 1973) |
NCLT➣Non Circulating Legal Tender |
NCLT➣Nevada County Land Trust |
NCLT➣National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering |
NCLT➣National Centre for Language Technology (Ireland) |
NCLT➣Northern Communities Land Trust (Duluth, MN, USA) |
NCLT➣National Centre for Language Training (Australia) |
NCLT➣Napa County Land Trust (California) |
NCLT➣Northern Connecticut Land Trust |
NCLT➣North Camden Land Trust |
NCLT➣National Center of Laser Technology (Beijing, China) |
NCLT➣National Council for Liberties in Tunisia |
NCLT➣Night Carrier Landing Trainer (US Navy) |
NCLT➣Near Center Line Thrust |
NCLT➣National Center for Laser Technology (Vietnam) |
NCLT➣Nephrology Consult Letter Template |