vitreous table


 [ta´b'l] a flat layer or surface.cohort life table a life table giving the survival data of a cohort of individuals in a clinical study or trial, i.e., the number alive and under observation (not lost to follow-up) at the beginning of each year, the number dying in each year, the number lost to follow-up each year, the conditional probability of survival for each year, and the cumulative probabilities of survival from the beginning of the study to the end of each year.inner table the inner compact layer of the bones covering the table any of various tables describing mortality and survival data for groups of individuals at specific times or over defined intervals; tables may summarize combined mortality experience by age over a brief period or may follow a cohort over time (table" >cohort life table).outer table the outer compact layer of the bones covering the brain.tilt table a plinth, equipped with a footboard for support, to which a patient can be strapped for rotation to a nearly upright position; used in cases of spinal cord injury and other neurological disorders to enhance blood circulation to the lower limbs, improve posture, and aid in muscle training and sense of balance.vitreous table inner table.

vit·re·ous ta·ble

the inner table of one of the cranial bones; it is more compact and harder than the outer table. Synonym(s): lamina interna ossium cranii


(ta'bl) [L. tabula, board] 1. A flat-topped structure, as an operating table.2. A thin, flat plate, as of bone.

life table

A statistical portrait of the life expectancy of individuals in a population, based on known mortality data for different ages, races, and sexes.

mortality table

A compilation of the death rates of individuals according to specific demographic characteristics (e.g., age, race, sex) or specific health status (e.g., accidental death, death during childbirth, or death caused by cancer).

Partin coefficient table

A statistical tool that relies on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and Gleason scores to predict whether a male with prostate cancer will have disease that has spread beyond the prostate gland.

periodic table

A chart with the chemical elements arranged by their atomic numbers. See: periodic law

tables of the skull

The inner and outer layers of a cranial bone, made of compact bone. These are separated by diploe, spongy bone that contains red bone marrow.

tilt table

A table that can be inclined or tipped over while a person is strapped to it. It is used to study patients with loss of consciousness of unknown cause.

vitreous table

The inner cranial table.

water table

The level at which rock or any underground stratum is saturated with water. This overlies an impervious stratum.