

(prī'mō-sōm), A complex of proteins that bind with primase at specific sequences of DNA that serve as the sites for the formation of RNA primers; a part of the replisome. [primer + -some]


(prī′mŏ-sōm″) [L. prim(ordium) + Gr. soma, body] A multiprotein structure that makes RNA priming molecules during the replication of DNA. The primosome moves down DNA in a 3' to 5' direction.


a complex of proteins, including the enzymes HELICASE and PRIMASE, involved in replication of some genomes, such as the CHROMOSOME of ESCHERICHIA COLI and of the BACTERIOPHAGE (|)X174.

The primosome moves along the single-stranded DNA, on the lagging strand, promoting the formation of RNA PRIMERS at the replicating fork (see DNA (b) REPLICATION).