supratrochlear nerve

su·pra·troch·le·ar nerve

[TA] a branch of the frontal nerve supplying the medial part of the upper eyelid, the central part of the skin of the forehead, and the root of the nose. Synonym(s): nervus supratrochlearis [TA]

su·pra·troch·le·ar nerve

(sūpră-troklē-ăr nĕrv) [TA] A branch of the frontal nerve supplying the medial part of the upper eyelid, the central part of the skin of the forehead, and the root of the nose.
Synonym(s): nervus supratrochlearis [TA] .

supratrochlear nerve

A sensory branch of the frontal nerve. It leaves the upper edge of the orbit medial to the supraorbital nerve, and it innervates the skin of the middle of the forehead. See also: nerve

su·pra·troch·le·ar nerve

(sūpră-troklē-ăr nĕrv) [TA] Branch of frontal nerve supplying medial part of upper eyelid, central part of skin of forehead, and nose root.