Tarkhanov, Oskar Sergeevich

Tarkhanov, Oskar Sergeevich


(pseudonym of Sergei Petrovich Razumov; other pseudonyms, O. Erdberg, Karrio, O. Tanin, O. Taube, and Yang Chulai). Born July 18 (31), 1901, in Odessa; died Feb. 8, 1938. Figure in the communist youth movement and publicist. Member of the Communist Party from 1917. Son of an engineer.

During the Civil War of 1918–20, Tarkhanov was a leader of the Komsomol underground, first in Odessa and then in the Crimea. From 1921 to 1924 he was secretary of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist League of Youth and a member of the Executive Committee and secretary of the Communist International of Youth. In 1926–27 he was a member of the group of Soviet political advisers in China. He was expelled from the ACP(B) for his participation in the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc; he subsequently admitted his errors and was reinstated in 1928. From 1932 to 1934 he conducted political work in the Special Order of the Red Banner Far Eastern Army. From 1935 he was an adviser to the USSR’s plenipotentiary mission in the Mongolian People’s Republic.

Tarkhanov was a delegate to the Fourth through Sixth Congresses of the Russian Communist League of Youth, to the Fourth Congress of the Communist International of Youth, to the Eleventh through Thirteenth Congresses of the RCP(B), and to the Fifth Congress of the Comintern.


Kitaiskie novelly. Moscow, 1959.
Agrarnyi vopros v kolonial’noi revoliutsii. Moscow, 1932.
Iaponskie imperialisty v Shankhae. Moscow, 1932.


Volobuev, O. V., and V. M. Chernyi. “O. S. Tarkhanov.” Narody Aziii Afriki, 1971, no. 6 (contains bibliography).