Illinois Caverns State Natural Area

Illinois Caverns State Natural Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Monroe County is southwestern Illinois, 35 miles south of Saint Louis, Missouri.
Activities:Spelunking, hiking.
Special Features:Cave contains an extensive array of cave formations, many of which arestill actively growing with the continued deposition of calciumcarbonate. Cave is also home to a the largest number of cave-adaptedanimals known in the state, including the cave salamander and at leasttwo species of bats. Approximately 6 miles of the cave's passages havebeen mapped. Days and hours of operation vary seasonally, but, whenopen, no one is allowed to enter the cave after 2:30 p.m.
Address:10981 Conservation Rd
Baldwin, IL 62217

Size: Cave entrance is on a tract of 9.25 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.