Tariq, al-

Tariq, al-


(The Path), a monthly Arabic-language literary and sociopolitical journal, published in Lebanon since 1941. Originally founded by U. Fakhuri and A. Tabet as the press organ of the League of Struggle Against Fascism of Syria and Lebanon, al-Tariq subsequently became the press organ of the Lebanese Committee of Supporters of Peace.

Al-Tariq carries on a struggle against the imperialist powers’ efforts to draw the Arab countries into military pacts and alliances. It supports the national liberation struggle and cultural ties with the socialist countries. Apart from publicistic and scholarly articles, it publishes short stories, novellas, and poetry by Arabic-language writers and translations of foreign literature, including Soviet literature. Special issues of al-Tariq were devoted to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia (1967, no. 10), to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin (1970, no. 4), and to U. Fakhuri (1971, nos. 7–8) and V. Meyerhold (1974, no. 10). Special sections have been devoted to V. Mayakovsky, P. Neruda, and R. Gamzatov. Al-Tariq was awarded the Joliet-Curie Gold Peace Medal in 1950.


Solov’ev, V., I. Fil’shtinskii, and D. Iusupov. Arabskaia literatura. Moscow, 1964.