

单词 saga



S0018300 (sä′gə)n.1. a. A prose narrative usually written in Iceland between 1120 and 1400, dealing with the families that first settled Iceland and their descendants, with the histories of the kings of Norway, and with the myths and legends of early Germanic gods and heroes.b. A modern prose narrative that resembles a saga.2. A long detailed report: recounted the saga of their family problems.
[Old Norse; see sekw- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈsɑːɡə) n1. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) any of several medieval prose narratives written in Iceland and recounting the exploits of a hero or a family2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) any similar heroic narrative3. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) Also called: saga novel a series of novels about several generations or members of a family4. (Theatre) any other artistic production said to resemble a saga5. informal a series of events or a story stretching over a long period[C18: from Old Norse: a narrative; related to Old English secgan to say1]


(ˈsɑ gə)

n., pl. -gas. 1. a medieval Scandinavian prose narrative of events in the lives of historical or legendary individuals or families. 2. any narrative of heroic exploits. 3. Also called sa′ga nov`el. a form of novel that chronicles the members or generations of a family or social group. [1700–10; < Old Norse; c. saw3]


- Old Norse for "narrative."See also related terms for narrative.
Noun1.saga - a narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a familysaga - a narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a family; originally (12th to 14th centuries) a story of the families that settled Iceland and their descendants but now any prose narrative that resembles such an accountadventure story, heroic tale - a story of an adventure


noun1. carry-on, to-do, performance (informal) (informal, chiefly Brit.), rigmarole, soap opera, pantomime (informal), chain of events, catalogue of disasters the whole saga of Hoddle's dismissal2. epic, story, tale, legend, adventure, romance, narrative, chronicle, yarn, fairy tale, folk tale, roman-fleuve (French) a Nordic saga of giants and trolls


(ˈsaːgə) noun a long, detailed story. I expect he told you the saga of his troubles. 長篇故事 长篇故事



(sä`gä), city (1990 pop. 169,963), capital of Saga prefecture, W Kyushu, Japan. It is a railroad and coal-distribution center. Cotton textiles and ceramics are produced in the city. A castle town in feudal times, Saga was the center of a rebellion in 1874. Saga prefecture (1990 pop. 877,865), 946 sq mi (2,450 sq km), is known for its advanced techniques in growing rice and oranges, as well as for its dairy farming and cattle raising.


in Old Norse literatureOld Norse literature,
the literature of the Northmen, or Norsemen, c.850–c.1350. It survives mainly in Icelandic writings, for little medieval vernacular literature remains from Norway, Sweden, or Denmark.

The Norwegians who settled Iceland late in the 9th cent.
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, especially Icelandic and Norwegian, narrative in prose or verse, centering on a legendary or historical figure or family. Sagas may be divided into sagas of the kings, mainly of early Norwegian rulers; Icelandic sagas, both biographical and historical; contemporary sagas, which were also Icelandic and were written about living persons; legendary sagas of the distant past; and sagas that were translations of foreign romances. Sagas were composed from about the early 11th to the mid-14th cent. and were first written down c.1200. Scholars disagree as to the extent to which written versions borrowed from earlier oral compositions. The sagas vary greatly in length. The greatest attention has been given to the history sagas (e.g., Sturlungasaga), the family sagas (e.g., Njála, tr. by G. W. Dasent, 1861; M. Magnusson and P. Palsson, 1960), and the mythical heroic sagas (e.g., Völsungasaga, tr. by William Morris, 1870). In all these the epic element is strong, and the milieu of a heroic society is made vivid. Historical accuracy was often a major aim of the saga, although reworking, interjection of the supernatural, and other changes caused distortion. The historical approach is felt in the careful selection of events and the great emphasis on cause and effect. Among other noted sagas are the Heimskringla of Snorri SturlusonSnorri Sturluson or Sturleson
, 1178–1241, Icelandic chieftain, historian, critic, and saga teller, the leading figure in medieval Norse literature.
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 (tr. by L. Hollander, 1964); the Laxdœla, translated in Earthly Paradise by William Morris; the Grettla, translated by the same author; the Frithjof, translated by Esaias TegnérTegnér, Esaias
, 1782–1846, Swedish poet, bishop of Växjö. Tegnér was the most popular of the Swedish romantic poets. An optimistic nationalist and liberal in his youth, he later became melancholy and conservative and was subject to periods of
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; and Gisli, translated by R. B. Allen.


See The Sagas of the Icelanders (2000) for a selection of the sagas. See also S. Einarsson, A History of Icelandic Literature (1957); P. Hallberg, The Icelandic Saga (tr. 1962); L. Lönnroth, Njáls Saga (1976); C. Clover, The Medieval Saga (1982); P. Schach, Icelandic Sagas (1984).



a prefecture in Japan, in the northwestern part of the island of Kyushu. Area, 2,400 sq km. Population, 826,000 (1973), more than 50 percent of which is urban. The capital is the city of Saga. The prefecture is part of the Kitakyushu economic region.

In Saga, 80,000 hectares are under cultivation, of which more than one-half is sown with rice; the rice harvest was 244,000 tons in 1972. Other crops are barley, wheat, and millet; mandarins (harvest of 193,000 tons), mulberry, pears, and plums are grown on the mountain slopes. There are tea plantations in the vicinity of Ureshino. The area has truck farming, and there is coastal fishing and marine trade.

Saga has a food industry, accounting for one-third of the cost of industrial production in Saga Prefecture; there are also textile, woodworking, and glass and ceramics industries. Industrial porcelain products are made in the areas near Arita and Imari. Also in the Imari area are a shipyard and a wood-veneer factory. Hard coal is mined in the Karatsu basin. The city of Genkai is the site of an atomic power plant (1975; power output, 559 megawatts).

The prefecture is a center for tourism: it has the Genkai National Park, the Nanatsugama caves, and the Nijino Matsubara walkway (in the city of Karatsu). There are hot mineral springs at Takeo and Ureshino.




a city in Japan, on northwestern Kyushu, on the fertile Saga plain. Administrative center of Saga Prefecture. Population, 148,000 (1973). Saga is a transportation junction. Industry includes electrical machine building, machine tool construction, instrument-making, and production of porcelain and ceramic wares, food, and textiles. There is also fish farming. A museum of commerce and industry is located in Saga.



an Old Icelandic prose tale.

The only extant sagas were set down in writing between the second half of the 12th century and the 14th century. The most original are the family sagas, or “sagas about the Icelanders”; these are the sagas most often referred to when “Icelandic sagas” or simply “sagas” are spoken of. Family sagas are characterized by historical realism, faithful portrayals of daily life, and epic simplicity. Their deep psychological nature derives from the lively dialogue and the descriptions of the heroes’ feats. The basic plot outline of almost every saga of this type is a family feud. The family sagas are full of the fatalism that characterizes paganism. Authorship has not been determined. The influence of the oral tradition is most evident in the early works, whereas some of the later sagas may be seen as works first composed in writing.

A second group of sagas are the kings’ sagas, or “sagas about the kings of Norway.” Two authors are known by name: Snorri Sturluson (1178–1241) and Sturla Thordarson (died 1284). The sources for the royal sagas were oral legends, the poetry of the skalds, tales of eyewitnesses, and documents. A third group comprises sagas about bishops and the leaders of Iceland. These sagas were written mainly by people who witnessed the events that are recounted. They have the character of chronicles, and some exhibit noticeable religious and moralistic tendencies.

Prose translations of tales of chivalry are also called chivalric sagas. The word saga is used in Russian to apply to Irish epic poetry as well.


Islandskie sagi. Moscow, 1956.


Steblin-Kamenskii, M. I. Islandskaia literatura. Leningrad, 1947.
Steblin-Kamenskii, M. I. Mir sagi. Leningrad, 1971.
Olgeirsson, E. Izproshlogo islandskogo naroda. Moscow, 1957.
Gurevich, A. Ia. Istoriia i saga. Moscow, 1972.
Andersson, T. M. The Problem of Icelandic Saga Origins: A Historical Survey. New Haven, Conn.-London, 1964.


1. any of several medieval prose narratives written in Iceland and recounting the exploits of a hero or a family 2. any similar heroic narrative 3. a series of novels about several generations or members of a family 4. any other artistic production said to resemble a saga


(jargon)(WPI) A cuspy but bogus raving story about Nrandom broken people.

Here is a classic example of the saga form, as told by Guy Steele (GLS):

Jon L. White (login name JONL) and I (GLS) were office matesat MIT for many years. One April, we both flew from Bostonto California for a week on research business, to consultface-to-face with some people at Stanford, particularly ourmutual friend Richard Gabriel (RPG).

RPG picked us up at the San Francisco airport and drove usback to Palo Alto (going logical south on route 101,parallel to El Camino Bignum). Palo Alto is adjacent toStanford University and about 40 miles south of San Francisco.We ate at The Good Earth, a "health food" restaurant, verypopular, the sort whose milkshakes all contain honey andprotein powder. JONL ordered such a shake - the waitressclaimed the flavour of the day was "lalaberry". I still haveno idea what that might be, but it became a running joke. Itwas the colour of raspberry, and JONL said it tasted ratherbitter. I ate a better tostada there than I have ever had ina Mexican restaurant.

After this we went to the local Uncle Gaylord's Old FashionedIce Cream Parlor. They make ice cream fresh daily, in avariety of intriguing flavours. It's a chain, and they have aslogan: "If you don't live near an Uncle Gaylord's - MOVE!"Also, Uncle Gaylord (a real person) wages a constant battle toforce big-name ice cream makers to print their ingredients onthe package (like air and plastic and other non-naturalgarbage). JONL and I had first discovered Uncle Gaylord's theprevious August, when we had flown to a computer-scienceconference in Berkeley, California, the first time either ofus had been on the West Coast. When not in the conferencesessions, we had spent our time wandering the length ofTelegraph Avenue, which (like Harvard Square in Cambridge) waslined with picturesque street vendors and interesting littleshops. On that street we discovered Uncle Gaylord's Berkeleystore. The ice cream there was very good. During that Augustvisit JONL went absolutely bananas (so to speak) over oneparticular flavour, ginger honey.

Therefore, after eating at The Good Earth - indeed, afterevery lunch and dinner and before bed during our April visit--- a trip to Uncle Gaylord's (the one in Palo Alto) wasmandatory. We had arrived on a Wednesday, and by Thursdayevening we had been there at least four times. Each time,JONL would get ginger honey ice cream, and proclaim to allbystanders that "Ginger was the spice that drove the Europeansmad! That's why they sought a route to the East! They usedit to preserve their otherwise off-taste meat." After thethird or fourth repetition RPG and I were getting a littletired of this spiel, and began to paraphrase him: "Wow!Ginger! The spice that makes rotten meat taste good!" "Say!Why don't we find some dog that's been run over and sat in thesun for a week and put some *ginger* on it for dinner?!""Right! With a lalaberry shake!" And so on. This failed tofaze JONL; he took it in good humour, as long as we keptreturning to Uncle Gaylord's. He loves ginger honey icecream.

Now RPG and his then-wife KBT (Kathy Tracy) were putting us up(putting up with us?) in their home for our visit, so to thankthem JONL and I took them out to a nice French restaurant oftheir choosing. I unadventurously chose the filet mignon, andKBT had je ne sais quoi du jour, but RPG and JONL had lapin(rabbit). (Waitress: "Oui, we have fresh rabbit, freshtoday." RPG: "Well, JONL, I guess we won't need any*ginger*!")

We finished the meal late, about 11 P.M., which is 2 A.MBoston time, so JONL and I were rather droopy. But it wasn'tyet midnight. Off to Uncle Gaylord's!

Now the French restaurant was in Redwood City, north of PaloAlto. In leaving Redwood City, we somehow got onto route 101going north instead of south. JONL and I wouldn't have knownthe difference had RPG not mentioned it. We still knew verylittle of the local geography. I did figure out, however,that we were headed in the direction of Berkeley, andhalf-jokingly suggested that we continue north and go to UncleGaylord's in Berkeley.

RPG said "Fine!" and we drove on for a while and talked. Iwas drowsy, and JONL actually dropped off to sleep for 5minutes. When he awoke, RPG said, "Gee, JONL, you must haveslept all the way over the bridge!", referring to the onespanning San Francisco Bay. Just then we came to a sign thatsaid "University Avenue". I mumbled something about workingour way over to Telegraph Avenue; RPG said "Right!" andmaneuvered some more. Eventually we pulled up in front of anUncle Gaylord's.

Now, I hadn't really been paying attention because I was sosleepy, and I didn't really understand what was happeninguntil RPG let me in on it a few moments later, but I was justalert enough to notice that we had somehow come to the PaloAlto Uncle Gaylord's after all.

JONL noticed the resemblance to the Palo Alto store, buthadn't caught on. (The place is lit with red and yellowlights at night, and looks much different from the way it doesin daylight.) He said, "This isn't the Uncle Gaylord's I wentto in Berkeley! It looked like a barn! But this place looks*just like* the one back in Palo Alto!"

RPG deadpanned, "Well, this is the one *I* always come to whenI'm in Berkeley. They've got two in San Francisco, too.Remember, they're a chain."

JONL accepted this bit of wisdom. And he was not totallyignorant - he knew perfectly well that University Avenue wasin Berkeley, not far from Telegraph Avenue. What he didn'tknow was that there is a completely different UniversityAvenue in Palo Alto.

JONL went up to the counter and asked for ginger honey. Theguy at the counter asked whether JONL would like to taste itfirst, evidently their standard procedure with that flavour,as not too many people like it.

JONL said, "I'm sure I like it. Just give me a cone." Theguy behind the counter insisted that JONL try just a tastefirst. "Some people think it tastes like soap." JONLinsisted, "Look, I *love* ginger. I eat Chinese food. I eatraw ginger roots. I already went through this hassle with theguy back in Palo Alto. I *know* I like that flavour!"

At the words "back in Palo Alto" the guy behind the countergot a very strange look on his face, but said nothing. KBTcaught his eye and winked. Through my stupor I still hadn'tquite grasped what was going on, and thought RPG was rollingon the floor laughing and clutching his stomach just becauseJONL had launched into his spiel ("makes rotten meat a dishfor princes") for the forty-third time. At this point, RPGclued me in fully.

RPG, KBT, and I retreated to a table, trying to stifle ourchuckles. JONL remained at the counter, talking about icecream with the guy b.t.c., comparing Uncle Gaylord's to otherice cream shops and generally having a good old time.

At length the g.b.t.c. said, "How's the ginger honey?" JONLsaid, "Fine! I wonder what exactly is in it?" Now UncleGaylord publishes all his recipes and even teaches classes onhow to make his ice cream at home. So the g.b.t.c. got outthe recipe, and he and JONL pored over it for a while. Butthe g.b.t.c. could contain his curiosity no longer, and askedagain, "You really like that stuff, huh?" JONL said, "Yeah,I've been eating it constantly back in Palo Alto for the pasttwo days. In fact, I think this batch is about as good as thecones I got back in Palo Alto!"

G.b.t.c. looked him straight in the eye and said, "You're *in*Palo Alto!"

JONL turned slowly around, and saw the three of us collapse ina fit of giggles. He clapped a hand to his forehead andexclaimed, "I've been hacked!"

[My spies on the West Coast inform me that there is a closerelative of the raspberry found out there called an"ollalieberry" - ESR]

[Ironic footnote: it appears that the meme about ginger vs.rotting meat may be an urban legend. It's not borne out by anexamination of mediaeval recipes or period purchase recordsfor spices, and appears full-blown in the works of SamuelPegge, a gourmand and notorious flake case who originatednumerous food myths. - ESR]


SAGAScreen Actors Guild Awards
SAGASexuality and Gender Acceptance
SAGASimple API for Grid Applications (GGF)
SAGASouth African Guild of Actors
SAGASandia Acrobatic Gymnastics Academy (Albuquerque, NM)
SAGAStudies and Analysis Group (US DoD Joint Chiefs of Staff)
SAGASaint-Gaudens National Historic Site (US National Park Service)
SAGAStraight and Gay Alliance
SAGASoutheast Alaska Guidance Association
SAGAStochastic Algorithms, Foundations, and Applications
SAGASouth African Geophysical Association
SAGASwordsmen and Sorcerers Guild of America
SAGASupport for African/Asian Great Apes
SAGASolar Array Gain Augmentation (Hubble Space Telescope)
SAGAShort Arc Geodetic Adjustment
SAGASelf-Assessment Gap Analysis
SAGAStreet Address Guide Area (telecom service address validation)
SAGASouth Asia Gender Alliance
SAGASoftware Application, Generation and Administration (NASA)


  • noun

Synonyms for saga

noun carry-on


  • carry-on
  • to-do
  • performance
  • rigmarole
  • soap opera
  • pantomime
  • chain of events
  • catalogue of disasters

noun epic


  • epic
  • story
  • tale
  • legend
  • adventure
  • romance
  • narrative
  • chronicle
  • yarn
  • fairy tale
  • folk tale
  • roman-fleuve

Words related to saga

noun a narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a family

Related Words

  • adventure story
  • heroic tale




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