Mediterranean spotted fever

Mediterranean spotted fever

tick-borne infection with Rickettsia conorii seen in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and India and known by different names in different areas, for example, Marseilles fever, Crimean fever, Indian tick typhus, and Kenya fever. Two forms are Mediterranean exanthematous fever (q.v.), which manifests as skin eruptions, and Mediterranean erythematous fever (q.v.), which manifests as skin redness. See: Rickettsia conorii. Synonym(s): boutonneuse fever, Crimean fever, eruptive fever, fièvre boutonneuse, Indian tick typhus, Kenya fever, Marseilles fever, tick typhus

African Tick Typhus

A tick-borne rickettsial infection caused by Rickettsia conorii, which occurs in the eastern hemisphere and is similar to Rocky Mountain spotted fever but less severe.
Clinical findings Fever, a small ulcer (tache noire) at the site of the tick bite, swollen glands nearby (satellite lymphadenopathy), and a red raised (maculopapular) rash.

Med·i·ter·ra·ne·an spot·ted fe·ver

(med'i-tĕ-rā'nē-ăn spot'ĕd fē'vĕr) Tick-borne infection with Rickettsia conorii seen in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and India and known by different names in different areas, (e.g., Marseilles fever, Crimean fever, Indian tick typhus, and Kenya fever). Two forms are Mediterranean exanthematous fever, which manifests as skin eruptions, and Mediterranean erythematous fever, which manifests as skin redness.
See also: Rickettsia conorii

Mediterranean spotted fever

An infectious, occasionally fatal illness transmitted to humans by ticks infected with Rickettsia conorii. The disease is clinically similar to Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Synonym: boutonneuse feverSee also: fever