Tareev, Evgenii Mikhailovich
Tareev, Evgenii Mikhailovich
Born May 13 (25), 1895, in Pskov. Soviet internist. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1948). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1948). Hero of Socialist Labor (1965).
Tareev graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1917; he was a student of M. P. Konchalovskii and V. E. Predtechenskii. Since 1936 he has been a professor and head of the subdepartment of internal medicine at the Third Moscow Medical Institute, and since 1951, a professor and head of the subdepartment of internal medicine and occupational diseases in the department of medicine and public health of the First Moscow Medical Institute. From 1929 to 1951 he was also director of the clinic of the E. I. Martsinovskii Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine.
Tareev’s main works have dealt with the pathology of the liver and kidneys, with collagen diseases, and with other important areas of internal medicine, as well as with laboratory methods and the history of medicine. He was the first to describe outbreaks of serum hepatitis caused by experimentally produced infection (1940; with P. G. Sergiev). Tareev has studied viral cirrhosis of the liver, devised a classification of kidney diseases, and investigated many aspects of immunonephrology. He founded the first center for long-term hemodialysis in the USSR as a clinic of internal medicine. He was also the editor of the two-volume Foundations of Nephrology (1972).
Tareev was the first in the USSR to describe intravital diagnosis of periarteritis nodosa. He has directed research on rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and other systemic diseases of connective tissue, as well as on drug disease. He has also described various types of malignant hypertension and studied prophylactic pathology.
Tareev received the State Prize of the USSR in 1946 for his monograph Clinical Aspects of Malaria, and the S. P. Botkin Prize of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in 1962 for his monograph Nephritides. He was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1974 for his works on rheumatology. Tareev founded a school of internal medicine whose members have included V. A. Nasonova, A. A. Demin, and A. V. Sumarokov.
Tareev has been awarded three orders of Lenin, two other orders, and several medals. He has been chairman of the All-Union Society of Nephrologists since 1969 and chairman of the All-Russian Society of Internists since 1966. He holds an honorary doctorate from Charles University in Prague and is an honorary member of the Society of Internists and Nephrologists of the German Democratic Republic and the Society of Gastroenterologists of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria.
Anemiia braitikov. Moscow, 1929.Boleznipochek. Moscow-Leningrad, 1936.
Gipertonicheskaia bolezri. Moscow, 1948.
Vnutrennie bolezni, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1957.
Kollagenozy. Moscow, 1965. (Coauthor.)
Epidemicheskii gepatit. Moscow, 1970. (Coauthor.)
“E. M. Tareev (K 80-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).” Terapevticheskiiarkhiv, 1975, no. 4.O. M. VINOGRADOVA