Reformatskii, Aleksandr
Reformatskii, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Born Oct. 16 (29), 1900, in Moscow. Soviet linguist. Doctor of philological sciences (1962). Son of A. N. Reformatskii.
Reformatskii graduated from Moscow University in 1923. He became a professor in 1962. Between 1921 and 1954 he taught at Moscow State University, the Second Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, and other higher educational institutions in Moscow. He headed the section for structural and applied linguistics at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1958 to 1970. He was one of the founders of the Moscow school of phonology and formulated the theoretical positions of the school in The Problem of the Phoneme in American Linguistics (1941). His chief works concern phonology, morphophonemics, semiotics, applied linguistics, and orthography.
Vvedenie v iazykovedenie, 4th ed. Moscow, 1967.Iz istorii otechestvennoi fonologii. Moscow, 1970.
Fonologicheskie etiudy. Moscow, 1975.