Sezary cell

Sé·za·ry cell

(sā-zah-rē'), an atypical T lymphocyte seen in the peripheral blood in Sézary syndrome; it has a large convoluted nucleus and scanty cytoplasm containing PAS-positive vacuoles.

Sézary cell

A cell with a convoluted cerebriform nucleus and coarse chromatin pattern, which is said to resemble finger painting.

Sé·zar·y cell

(sā-zah-rē' sel) An atypical mononuclear cell seen in the peripheral blood in Sézary syndrome; has a large, convoluted nucleus and scanty cytoplasm containing vacuoles that test positive with the periodic acid-Schiff stain.


Albert, French dermatologist, 1880-1956. Sézary-Bouvrain syndrome - Synonym(s): Sézary syndromeSézary cell - an atypical T lymphocyte seen in the peripheral blood in Sézary syndrome.Sézary erythroderma - Synonym(s): Sézary syndrome; Sézary-Bovrain syndromeSézary syndrome - a variant of mycosis fungoides. Synonym(s): Sézary-Bouvrain syndrome; Sézary erythroderma