

单词 social phobia

social phobia

social phobia

n. See social anxiety disorder.

social phobia

n (Psychology) psychol a type of anxiety disorder characterized by shyness and heightened self-consciousness in particular social situations
Noun1.social phobia - any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with situations in which you are subject to criticism by others (as fear of eating in public or public speaking etc)phobia, phobic disorder, phobic neurosis - an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias"androphobia - a morbid fear of mengynophobia - a morbid fear of womensatanophobia - an abnormal fear of Satanschool phobia - a child's sudden fear of attending schooltraumatophobia - a morbid fear of battle or physical injuryxenophobia - a fear of foreigners or strangers

social phobia

social phobia

[¦sōsh·əl ¦fō·be·ə] (psychology) An anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear of social or performance situations.

social phobia


 [fo´be-ah] a persistent, irrational, intense fear of a specific object, activity, or situation (the phobic stimulus), fear that is recognized as being excessive or unreasonable by the individual himself. When a phobia is a significant source of distress or interferes with social functioning, it is considered a mental disorder (sometimes called a phobic disorder). Some typical phobias are: acrophobia (fear of heights), astraphobia (fear of lightning), cenotophobia (fear of new things or new ideas), claustrophobia (fear of closed places), hemophobia (fear of blood), and xenophobia (dread of strangers). Phobias are subclassified as agoraphobia" >agoraphobia, phobias" >social phobias, and phobias" >specific phobias. See also anxiety disorders. adj., adj pho´bic.simple phobia specific phobia.social phobia an anxiety disorder characterized by fear and avoidance of social or performance situations in which the individual fears possible embarrassment and humiliation, for example, fear of speaking, performing, or eating in public.specific phobia an anxiety disorder characterized by persistent and excessive or unreasonable fear of a circumscribed, well-defined object or situation, in contrast to fear of being alone or of public places (agoraphobia) or fear of embarrassment in social situations (social phobia). Common specific phobias involve fear of animals, particularly dogs, snakes, insects, and mice; fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia); and fear of heights (acrophobia).

social phobia

1. a persistent pattern of significant fear of a social or performance situation, manifesting in anxiety or panic on exposure to the situation or in anticipation of it, which the person realizes is unreasonable or excessive and interferes significantly with the person's functioning; 2. a DSM diagnosis that is established when specified criteria are met.

social phobia

n. See social anxiety disorder.

social phobia

Social anxiety disorder Psychiatry 'A marked & persistent fear of social and performance situations in which embarassment may occur.(and).take the form of a situationally bound or. predisposed panic attack, while social anxiety is normal in children, in adults this fear is excessive or unreasonable; social or performance situations are avoided, or endured with dread; SP may begin in adolescence and be due to parental overprotectiveness or limited social opportunity Management Psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, support group; some respond to pharmacology–eg, paroxetine. See Panic attack, Phobia.

so·cial pho·bi·a

(sō'shăl fō'bē-ă) A persistent pattern of significant fear of a social or performance situation, manifested by anxiety or panic on exposure to the situation or in anticipation of it, which the person realizes is unreasonable or excessive; it interferes significantly with the person's functioning.

Social phobia

Fear of being judged or ridiculed by others; fear of being embarrassed in public.Mentioned in: Phobias

so·cial pho·bi·a

(sō'shăl fō'bē-ă) Persistent pattern of significant fear of a social or performance situation.

Patient discussion about social phobia

Q. how to treat my social phobia? A. there is a protocol for treating any kinds of phobias. it requires time and a psychologist. it's consisted of learning relaxation methods and doing everything in small steps until you can handle your phobia.

Q. Was this true Asperger's syndrome, or a social anxiety disorder? I've been told multiple times by multiple people (though none of them doctors) that I probably have Ausperger's syndrome, or at least suffered from it through most of my childhood. I have struggled socially a GREAT deal, and have overcome many things, though I still am socially awkward and easily confused in social situations. Conversely, I am a secretary and receptionist by trade, and seem to have most people 'fooled' when I have medication for my diagnosed medical condition. Was this true Asperger's syndrome, or a social anxiety disorder?A. Well, I like to share my experience from which you find an answer. My 19 year old brother has AS, and I would not say he is at all retarded, although once people get to know him they assume that he is. His intellectual/IQ level isn't any lower than the "normal", but he definitely struggles socially, always has, always will. Hell, so do I... and I wouldn't be surprised if I have a touch of AS myself. Anyhow he is able to work, pay bills, follow commitments through, etc., He's actually very responsible…can't say that for many "normal" folk. His main quirk is that he really fixates on things...for example if his favorite TV show is "Lost", he'll talk about it and run it into the ground until he makes you absolutely hate it from overkill. Other than that he's not much different from the rest of us.

More discussions about social phobia

social phobia

Related to social phobia: social anxiety disorder
  • noun

Words related to social phobia

noun any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with situations in which you are subject to criticism by others (as fear of eating in public or public speaking etc)

Related Words

  • phobia
  • phobic disorder
  • phobic neurosis
  • androphobia
  • gynophobia
  • satanophobia
  • school phobia
  • traumatophobia
  • xenophobia




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