

单词 beer



a fermented alcoholic beverage: He went to the tavern for a beer.
Not to be confused with:bier – a funeral litter: They placed the coffin on the bier.


B0156900 (bîr)n.1. a. A fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt, usually flavored with hops.b. A fermented beverage brewed by traditional methods that is then dealcoholized so that the finished product contains no more than 0.5 percent alcohol.c. A carbonated beverage produced by a method in which the fermentation process is either circumvented or altered, resulting in a finished product having an alcohol content of no more than 0.01 percent.2. A beverage made from extracts of roots and plants: birch beer.3. A serving of one of these beverages.
[Middle English ber, from Old English bēor, from West Germanic, probably from Latin bibere, to drink; see pō(i)- in Indo-European roots.]


(bɪə) n1. (Brewing) an alcoholic drink brewed from malt, sugar, hops, and water and fermented with yeast. Compare ale2. (Brewing) a slightly fermented drink made from the roots or leaves of certain plants: ginger beer; nettle beer. 3. (modifier) relating to or used in the drinking of beer: beer glass; beer mat. 4. (modifier) in which beer is drunk, esp (of licensed premises) having a licence to sell beer: beer house; beer cellar; beer garden. [Old English beor; related to Old Norse bjōrr, Old Frisian biār, Old High German bior]



n. 1. an alcoholic beverage made by brewing and fermentation from cereals, usu. malted barley, and flavored with hops and the like for a slightly bitter taste. 2. any of various beverages, whether alcoholic or not, made from roots, molasses or sugar, yeast, etc., as root beer. [before 1000; Middle English bere, Old English bēor, c. Old Saxon, Old High German bior]


See also alcohol; fermentation; wine.
beerocracyEngland. the aristocracy that gained its wealth and social position from the ownership of breweries.cooperagethe barrel or container used to store and ship draft beer.labeorphilythe collecting of beer bottle labels. — labeorphile, n.meadophilythe study of beer bottle labels. — meadophile, n.tegetologythe collecting of cardboard beer coasters. — tegetologist, n.
Noun1.beer - a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hopsbeer - a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hopsbrew, brewage - drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distillingdraft beer, draught beer - beer drawn from a kegsuds - a dysphemism for beer (especially for lager that effervesces)lager beer, lager - a general term for beer made with bottom fermenting yeast (usually by decoction mashing); originally it was brewed in March or April and matured until Septemberale - a general name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast; in some of the United States an ale is (by law) a brew of more than 4% alcohol by volume


noun ale, brew, swipes (Brit. slang), wallop (Brit. slang), hop juice, amber fluid or nectar (Austral. informal), tinnie or tinny (Austral. slang) We have quite a good range of beers.Quotations
"And malt does more than Milton can"
"To justify God's ways to man" [A E Housman A Shropshire Lad]
"They who drink beer will think beer" [Washington Irving The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon]
"Then to the spicy nut-brown ale" [John Milton L'Allegro]


ale, barley wine, Bière de Garde, black and tan, bock beer or bock, boilermaker, bottle-conditioned beer or ale, brown ale, cask-conditioned beer or ale, Christmas beer or ale, draught beer, eighty shilling or eighty, export, fruit beer, guest beer, gueuze, half-and-half, heavy (Scot.), home-brew, ice beer, India Pale Ale or IPA, Kaffir beer, keg beer, Kölsch, lager, lambic, light (Scot.), light ale, mild, milk stout, nog or nogg (dialect), pale ale, Pils, Pilsner or Pilsener, plain (Irish), porter, Rauchbier, real ale, seventy shilling or seventy, shandy, shebeen or shebean (Irish & U.S.), sixty shilling or sixty, special, stingo, stout, sweet stout, Trappist beer, Weissbier, Weizenbier, wheat beer


(biə) noun a type of alcoholic drink made from malted barley flavoured with hops. 啤酒 啤酒small beer something unimportant. This is small beer compared with his usual work. 小事一樁 琐事


  • A draft beer, please (US)
    A draught beer, please (UK) → 要一杯生啤酒
  • Another beer → 再要一杯啤酒



1. in. to drink beer. Fred and Tom sat in there watching the game and beering and belching like two old whales. 2. tv. to get oneself drunk on beer. I beered myself, but good.
  • (all) beer and skittles
  • be (not) all beer and skittles
  • beer
  • beer and skittles
  • beer and skittles, (life is) not all
  • beer belly
  • beer blast
  • beer bong
  • beer bust
  • beer goggles
  • beer gut
  • beer me
  • beer muscles
  • beer up
  • champagne taste on a beer budget
  • cry in (one's) beer
  • cry in beer
  • cry into (one's) beer
  • cry into your beer
  • egg in (one's) beer
  • egg in your beer
  • egg in your beer, what do you want?
  • hammer a beer
  • hammer some beers
  • hold my beer
  • I've seen better heads on nickel beers
  • Life isn't all beer and skittles
  • near beer
  • near-beer
  • not be all beer and skittles
  • pound a beer
  • pound beer
  • pound some beers
  • queer beer
  • queer-beer
  • slam (someone or something)
  • slam a beer
  • slam beer
  • slam some beers
  • sling beer
  • small beer
  • small beer/small potatoes



(bē`ər), in the Bible. 1 Unidentified place, to which Gideon's son Jotham fled. 2 Unidentified place, E of the Dead Sea between the Arnon and the Jordan, where Israel camped and dug a well. The little song quoted is one of the oldest poetic pieces in the Bible.


alcoholic beverage made by brewing and fermenting cereals, especially malted barley, usually with the addition of hopshop,
herbaceous perennial vine of the family Moraceae (mulberry family), widely cultivated since early times for brewing purposes. The commercial hop (Humulus lupulus
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 as a flavoring agent and stabilizer. One of the oldest of alcoholic beverages (there is archaeological evidence dating to c.3000 B.C.), beer was well known in ancient Egypt, where it may have been made from bread. At first brewed chiefly in the household and monastery, it became in late medieval times a commercial product and is now made by large-scale manufacture in almost every industrialized country, especially Great Britain, Germany, the Czech Republic, and the United States.

Although British, European, and American beers can differ markedly in flavor and content, brewing processes are similar. A mash, prepared from crushed malt (usually barley), water, and, often, cereal adjuncts such as rice and corn, is heated and rotated in the mash tun to dissolve the solids and permit the malt enzymes to convert the starch into sugar. The solution, called wort, is drained into a copper vessel, where it is boiled with the hops (which provide beer with its bitter flavor), then run off for cooling and settling. After cooling, it is transferred to fermenting vessels where yeast is added, converting the sugar into alcohol. Modern beers, typically lighter than ancient, contain about 3% to 6% alcohol.

Beers fall into two broad categories. Ales are made with yeast that ferments more quickly at warmer temperatures and tends to rise to the surface. Lagers use yeast that ferments more slowly at cooler temperatures and tends to settle, and they are aged at cold temperatures for weeks or months, hence the name [Ger., Lager=storage place]. Most major American beers are lagers; many are Bohemian Pilsners, a golden-hued lager. Bock beer, said to take its name from Einbeck, Prussia, where it was first made, is a heavier, usually darker lager. Pale ale is generally a light to dark amber, strongly hopped beer. Porter is a strong, dark ale brewed with the addition of roasted malt to give flavor and color. Stout, an ale which is darker and maltier than porter, has a more pronounced hop aroma and may attain an alcoholic content of 6% to 7%. Light, or low-calorie, beer is lower in alcohol content. Ice beer is a higher-alcohol beer produced by chilling below 32&degF; (0&degC;) and filtering out the ice crystals that form.

In the 1980s, consumer dissatisfaction with the taste and choice offered by major breweries led to the growth of more traditional "craft" breweries and microbreweries—firms that produce fewer than 15,000 barrels annually—especially in the United States. By 2010 there were in the United States several dozen regional craft breweries, more than 600 microbreweries, and more than 1,000 brewpubs (a microbrewery that sells mainly through its own restaurant or bar).


See G. Oliver, ed., The Oxford Companion to Beer (2011).


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Beer, asteroid 1,896 (the 1,896th asteroid to be discovered, on October 26, 1971), is approximately 6.6 kilometers in diameter and has an orbital period of 3.8 years. Beer was named after the prominent astronomer, Arthur Beer, who was a spectroscopist and spectrophotometrist. J. Lee Lehman, perhaps unaware of the astronomer Beer, gives this asteroid a “literal” interpretation, associating it with addiction, particularly addiction to alcoholic substances.


Kowal, Charles T. Asteroids: Their Nature and Utilization. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Ellis Horwood Limited, 1988.Lehman, J. Lee. The Ultimate Asteroid Book. West Chester, PA: Whitford Press, 1988.Schwartz, Jacob. Asteroid Name Encyclopedia. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1995.



an aromatic, carbonated beverage with a low alcoholic content and with the bitter taste of hops. Beer is produced by the fermentation of wort from barley malt, hops, and water. To produce different types of beer the barley malt is partially replaced by rice, corn, or barley flour, as well as by sugar. Beer is a refreshing, thirst-quenching beverage. The various types of beer contain anywhere from 4 to 10 percent of easily assimilated nutrients, mainly carbohydrates, a small amount of amino acids, other products of protein metabolism, and minerals. In addition, beer contains 1.8–6 percent alcohol, 0.3–0.4 percent carbon dioxide, organic acids, and bitter substances and tannins from the hops.

The manufacturing process involves making the malt from the barley, producing the wort, fermenting the wort with brewer’s yeast, aging, filtration, and bottling. In malting it is necessary to clean and sort the barley, soak the grains, germinate the grains to form the malt, dry the green malt, remove the shoots, and soften the malt. The dried malt has a sweetish taste and characteristic odor. The wort is obtained by polishing and grinding the malt and then mixing it with water. The resulting mash undergoes various fermentation processes at certain temperatures. The most important of these processes is the conversion of the malt’s starch to sugar. The mash is filtered when the conversion is completed, and the transparent wort is boiled with hops. As a result, the wort becomes light and aromatic. The hops are then removed, and the wort is cooled in settling vats in closed plate heat-exchange units.

The wort is fermented with special types of brewers’ yeasts in special containers at a temperature of 5°–9°C for seven or eight days (depending on the type of beer). The fermentable material forms alcohol and carbon dioxide. After fermentation, the young beer is aged in closed cylindrical vessels (lager tanks), in which the temperature is 0°–2°C. The beer becomes filled with carbon dioxide, undergoes clarification, and takes on a full flavor. Aging lasts 21 to 90 days. There are also continual and accelerated beer-brewing processes, in which the fermentation and aging steps are shortened. After aging, the beer is filtered to remove the yeast and then bottled.

There are dark and light beers. Light beer has a subtle aroma and a distinct bitterness from the hops. Dark beer is less bitter and tastes more of malt. Light malt is used to make the light varieties, while dark beers are made with special dark or caramel malts.

Light beers of the USSR include Zhigulevskoe, Leningrad-skoe, and Rizhskaia; among the dark beers are Ostankinskoe, Ukrainskoe, and Porter.


Mal’tsev, P. M. Tekhnologiia soloda i piva. Moscow, 1964.
Chukmasov, M. A., and N. M. Lazarev. Tekhnologiia i oborudovanie pivovarennogo proizvodstva. Moscow, 1968.



[bir] (food engineering) A lightly hopped, fermented malt beverage brewed by bottom fermentation.


1. an alcoholic drink brewed from malt, sugar, hops, and water and fermented with yeast 2. a slightly fermented drink made from the roots or leaves of certain plants



(bēr), August, German physicist, 1825-1863. See: Beer-Lambert law, Beer law.


(bēr), Georg J., ophthalmologist in Hapsburg Empire, 1763-1821. See: Beer knife.


adjective Referring to some facet of beer—e.g., the colour or its inebriating effect.
noun A fermented liquor made from a malted grain, commonly barley, with hops or some other substance to impart a bitter flavour.


Nutrition A fermented liquor made from a malted grain, commonly barley, with hops or some other substance to impart a bitter flavor. See Alcoholism, Purple grapes.

Patient discussion about beer

Q. Why is there ‘beer belly’? Why are overweight people that drink a lot of beer regularly said to have ‘beer belly’? Beer doesn’t seem to have so many calories – it’s not sweetA. Indeed beer isn’t rich in sugar, but alcohol is a very caloric substance- each gram of alcohol (e.g. ethanol) has more calories than sugar (although less than fat). Beer actually has about the same amount of calories as coke.

Q. Can you become an alcoholic if you drink only beer? A. you can become addicted to anything that has alcohol in it/beer/wine/coolers/ect.you can drink but keep an eye on how much you drink,some people are addicted and dont know it,some no it but dont want any body else to know it?alcohol is a drug treat it us so--mrfoot56

Q. I am a regular beer drinker. I am a regular beer drinker. I drink 3 cans of beer every day in the morning. Every alternate day in place of water I drink beer and especially when I am very thirsty, I drink even more beer than usual. Recently I have insomnia due to guilt as my wife has been very patient with my beer drinking for the past 14 years. I feel stressed out because of my guilt feeling and with less sleep. I feel like leaving my wife as I feel guilty every time I look at her. It has been very difficult for me and I would appreciate any suggestions which would make me feel better. A. HELLO ADDICTION START THIS WAY....AND IT ONLY GOING TO GET WORST IF YOU DONT DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT-NOW-LIKE OLIVIA SAID...GO TO A REHAB...IF YOU CANT DO THAT RIGHT NOW...FIND OUT WHERE THEIR IS A ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING IN YOUR AREA....I DONT KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE..BUT..HERE IN THE (USA)YOU CAN FIND THAT OUT BY CALLING THERE 800#....IF THAT DOESNT WORK..HERE IS A WEB SITE THAT CAN HELP(INTHEROOMS.COM)THEY WILL HELP YOU ON YOUR WAY---MRFOOT56

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Related to beer: bear
  • noun

Synonyms for beer

noun ale


  • ale
  • brew
  • swipes
  • wallop
  • hop juice
  • amber fluid or nectar
  • tinnie or tinny

Words related to beer

noun a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops

Related Words

  • brew
  • brewage
  • draft beer
  • draught beer
  • suds
  • lager beer
  • lager
  • ale




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